Summary/Minutes from today's Fedora Infrastructure meeting (2013-08-22)

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#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2013-08-22)

Meeting started by nirik at 19:00:08 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* welcome y'all  (nirik, 19:00:08)

* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks.  (nirik, 19:02:53)

* Applications status / discussion  (nirik, 19:07:05)
  * LINK:
    (threebean, 19:18:08)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 19:18:40)

* Sysadmin status / discussion  (nirik, 19:20:37)
  * apply updates next wed all around (stg first and test with rube)
    (nirik, 19:22:24)
  * rdiff backups are up and running. everything in backup_clients
    ansible group  (nirik, 19:24:49)
  * LINK: (we expose tags
    now? could we also expose icons and descriptions there? )  (nirik,

* Upcoming Tasks/Items  (nirik, 19:39:03)
  * LINK:
    (nirik, 19:39:03)

* Open Floor  (nirik, 19:39:57)

Meeting ended at 19:51:11 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* nirik (108)
* threebean (53)
* smooge (19)
* lmacken (18)
* frankieonuonga (17)
* abadger1999 (10)
* Xeladem (8)
* besser82 (5)
* zodbot (4)
* oddshocks (4)
* ianweller (1)
* cyberworm541 (1)
* puiterwijk (0)
* mdomsch (0)
* pingou (0)
* relrod (0)
* dgilmore (0)
19:00:08 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2013-08-22)
19:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 22 19:00:08 2013 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
19:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:08 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure
19:00:08 <nirik> #topic welcome y'all
19:00:08 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk
19:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
19:00:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean
19:00:12 * lmacken 
19:00:17 * threebean is here
19:00:22 * oddshocks present
19:01:28 <smooge> here
19:02:44 <nirik> ok, lets go ahead and get started.
19:02:53 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks.
19:03:21 <nirik> any new folks or apprentices with questions?
19:03:55 <frankieonuonga> hi guys.
19:03:58 <frankieonuonga> i am kind of new here
19:04:06 <frankieonuonga> i am i think now about two weeks old
19:04:24 <frankieonuonga> still trying to get cultured but nirik has been kind enough to show me around
19:04:41 <nirik> Happy to help out.
19:04:43 <threebean> hi frankieonuonga :)
19:04:51 <frankieonuonga> i do not know what you guys might want to know about me...but ask away and feel free to throw me some tasks to teach me something
19:04:55 <frankieonuonga> threebeen: hi
19:05:17 <Xeladem> Hi everyone,nice to meet you  i am new too and hi frankie:)
19:05:28 * oddshocks waves
19:05:31 <nirik> welcome Xeladem
19:05:41 <nirik> Xeladem: are you more interested in sysadmin tasks or application development?
19:05:50 <Xeladem> both :p
19:05:58 * cyberworm541 is here
19:05:59 <nirik> cool.
19:06:18 <nirik> Xeladem: see me after the meeting in #fedora-admin or #fedora-apps and we can point you in the right direction
19:06:32 <Xeladem> Okay cool thx
19:06:34 <Xeladem> :D
19:06:52 <Xeladem> Sorry for my poor english ^^
19:06:58 <nirik> excellent. well, do chime in with questions and comments anytime.
19:07:05 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion
19:07:15 <nirik> any applications news/plans upcoming?
19:07:22 <nirik> badges continues to roll on.
19:08:06 <threebean> yeah, I gotta check on them now.. but I sent an email to the infra list asking for any help with code review on a few pull requests for that.
19:08:26 <nirik> abadger1999: we still waiting on a python-fedora with flask_fas_openid?
19:08:43 <threebean> I guess, if no one has time, I'd really like to merge them and get them out tomorrow.
19:08:57 <lmacken> threebean: I can have a look later this evening if no one gets to them first
19:09:08 <threebean> lmacken: thanks :)
19:09:20 <nirik> I need to ping abompard and see about moving hyperkitty along.
19:09:28 <abadger1999> Hmm..
19:09:29 <lmacken> threebean: when is the supybot sparklines getting deployed? ;)
19:09:44 <oddshocks> School starts up for me on Monday so I'll be giving my projects more love by then
19:09:44 <abadger1999> The new pythono-fedora isn't released upstream but we have fedora nad epel packages with the relevant backport.
19:10:00 <abadger1999> nirik: when we install that we need to be sure to take out the hotfix in puppet.
19:10:04 <abadger1999> it won't be compatible
19:10:06 <threebean> lmacken: I was going to leave that to ianweller to merge and deploy since its kind of his?
19:10:10 <nirik> abadger1999: right.
19:10:46 <threebean> oddshocks: cool; welcome back :)
19:11:20 <nirik> any other applications updates landing soon?
19:11:27 <threebean> hm, two things:
19:11:57 <threebean> 1) fun stuff -- libravatar trac integration got accepted upstream.  there's an epel-testing rpm on the way.
19:12:05 <threebean> so, we can get that in for testing soon.
19:12:11 <nirik> I was thinking of just landing that today or tomorrow...
19:12:20 <nirik> get it done.
19:12:20 <threebean> +1
19:12:38 <threebean> 2) not fun stuff -- there's a python-requests/python-urllib3 update on the way
19:12:45 <threebean> historically, that has caused pain for python-fedora :(
19:12:47 <lmacken> oh boy
19:12:59 <lmacken> I really wish python-urllib3 didn't for each connection :\
19:13:05 <nirik> Question: should we at some point look at running a libravatar instance? (not sure whats involved, but would be a nice way to give back to them and help spread use)
19:13:24 <nirik> threebean: :( yeah, we should update stg and test as much as we can first.
19:13:33 * threebean nods
19:13:50 <threebean> yeah.  its mostly python3 fixes, so its only relevant for fedora, not epel.
19:14:03 <threebean> but I'll leave them in updates-testing for an eon to make sure.
19:14:08 <lmacken> I'd rather hit bugs with that stack now, prior to it getting merged into stdlib ;P
19:14:18 * threebean facepalms
19:14:27 <abadger1999> lmacken: nah -- the stdlib will only get the api right?  none of the code?
19:14:46 <abadger1999> that's what was discussed at the python language summit
19:15:00 <lmacken> abadger1999: not sure… I really hope they don't drag the code along with the API
19:15:31 <ianweller> threebean: really anybody can merge stuff for supybot-fedora, i'll see it eventually when i make the release tarball :)
19:15:53 <abadger1999> lmacken: lang summit was a long time ago now but it sounded like guido didn't like kenneth reitz implementation.  and he wanted to try reimplementing it on top of his own async stack 9tulip)
19:16:06 <lmacken> abadger1999: ah, yeah tulip-based would be great.
19:16:12 <lmacken> ianweller: plz2merge sparklines ;)
19:16:19 * lmacken wants .quotes
19:16:21 <threebean> nirik: w.r.t. running our own libravatar, I would love for us to.  Its just a question of who's stoked about it and has the extra time to do it and maintain it.  ;)
19:16:24 * threebean wants .badges too :)
19:16:36 <nirik> threebean: yeah, I can add it to my list to look at someday.
19:16:52 <nirik> it may not be too hard.
19:16:58 <threebean> cool :)
19:17:00 <lmacken> php stack?/////////
19:17:10 <threebean> oh boy!
19:17:15 <nirik> it is? bleh
19:17:20 <lmacken> i don't know, I'm asking ;)
19:17:31 <lmacken> guessing, rather
19:17:46 <lmacken> ruby
19:17:58 <lmacken> oh, I'm looking at the wrong repo I think
19:18:08 <threebean>
19:18:10 <threebean> python :)
19:18:26 <nirik> Django
19:18:31 <lmacken> awesome, a launchpad site that points to a gitorious repo
19:18:40 <nirik>
19:18:44 <threebean> djamn!
19:19:05 <nirik> heh
19:19:21 <nirik> anyhow, just a random thought, not a priority
19:19:27 <nirik> any other application side news?
19:19:57 <oddshocks> djamn++
19:20:06 <lmacken> nothing exciting... going to do a bodhi1 bugfix release before I move next week
19:20:11 <lmacken> then I'll be off the grid for the first week of sept
19:20:29 <nirik> cool. ;)
19:20:37 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion
19:20:44 <nirik> lets see... on the sysadmin side...
19:20:57 <nirik> I think I want to do a roll up on updates next week before we head into alpha freeze.
19:21:05 <nirik> so far nothing needs reboot, just apply updates.
19:21:15 <threebean> cool :)
19:21:28 <threebean> may I suggest -> we update stg, do a rube run, then update prod?
19:21:38 <nirik> yep. Sounds great.
19:21:49 <nirik> probibly wed next week...
19:22:24 <nirik> #info apply updates next wed all around (stg first and test with rube)
19:22:52 <nirik> I've finished setting up rdiff-backups for us. :) It's on backup03 and sysadmin-main has access to them.
19:23:13 <nirik> It's backing up everything in the backup_clients ansible group
19:23:27 <nirik> if anyone can think of a machine not in there that has data we should backup, please let me know.
19:24:20 <nirik> It's been taking about 6hours to do all them in a mostly serial way. I might look at making it async to finish faster, but 6 hours isn't too bad.
19:24:45 <smooge> especially since it is competing with bacula at the same time
19:24:49 <nirik> #info rdiff backups are up and running. everything in backup_clients ansible group
19:25:15 <nirik> yeah, if things look good after another week or two, I am thinking of killing bacula and replacing it with a simple job that spools all the rdiff-backup ones to tape
19:25:24 <smooge> yay
19:25:35 <nirik> then we can not run bacula-client on all our machines.
19:26:12 <nirik> and speaking of running on all our machines...
19:26:21 <nirik> we have just 2 scripts running in cron that need func.
19:26:28 <threebean> ah, right
19:26:32 <nirik> if someone is interested in porting them to ansible, let me know.
19:26:39 <threebean> that's in cron on lockbox?
19:26:52 <nirik> yeah, they are puppet reporting scripts actually:
19:26:54 <nirik> ./modules/puppet/files/
19:26:55 <nirik> ./modules/puppet/files/
19:27:01 <threebean> cool
19:27:05 <threebean> no promises here ;p
19:27:18 <nirik> once those are moved, we can not run funcd on all our machines. ;)
19:27:43 <nirik> lets see...
19:27:48 <threebean> lots of other ansible little ansible things made progress
19:27:53 <nirik> smooge: anything I am forgetting? oh... ssl certs...
19:28:00 <threebean> abadger1999: made some progress on the new hosts sop
19:28:09 <smooge> should have ssl done later today.
19:28:12 <nirik> yeah, kudos to misc for helping moving things to roles. I hope to do more too.
19:28:31 <smooge> I am trying to figure out what packages is using all the disk space.. but that is also requiring me to figure out where stuff is stuck on the system
19:28:31 <nirik> smooge: those were *.stg and *.id ?
19:28:35 <smooge> yes sir
19:28:40 <nirik> cool.
19:29:15 <nirik> ok, any other sysadmin side news?
19:29:15 <threebean> smooge: hm, have you checked in /var/cache/fedoracommunity ?
19:29:16 <abadger1999> threebean: aww -- I thought you were telling me you made some progress on that :-)
19:29:23 <threebean> abadger1999: sorry, no.  ;)
19:29:28 <threebean> I was talking you up :)
19:29:35 <abadger1999> So yeah, the new-hosts sop is 1/3 to 1/2 done now.
19:30:00 <smooge> I am going trhough /srv/../ at the meoment
19:30:01 <nirik> thanks for working on that abadger1999
19:30:11 <abadger1999> But there's some things about our ansilble vars orgnization that seems non-optimal so I have to clear up some time to look at that to document the next section.
19:30:34 <threebean> smooge: ah -- my bad.  I think we're talking about different "packages".  (I thought you were talking about the fedora-packages webapp)
19:30:35 <nirik> abadger1999: yeah, I think it's good to identify them and fix them now. Easier than it will be if we pile more on them.
19:30:52 <nirik> smooge: this is packages01.phx2 and packages02.phx2 right?
19:31:21 <nirik> packages01.phx2 != pkgs01
19:31:23 <smooge> nirik, yes packages01/02
19:31:49 <smooge> I did pkgs01 last night :).
19:32:12 <nirik> smooge: ok, looking in /var/cache/fedoracommunity/ might be good... but I'm not sure what can be pruned there off hand.
19:32:32 <threebean> huh.. I didn't even realize there was a /srv/glusterfs/packages/packages/ on packages0{1,2} (just found it)
19:32:45 <nirik> thats the raw brick?
19:32:52 <nirik> you shouldn't touch it.
19:32:55 <smooge> well when I do a df it says its on the disk
19:32:59 * threebean steps away
19:33:00 <nirik> unless gluster is off.
19:33:03 <smooge> so I am confused
19:33:32 <smooge> ok so /srv/glusterfs is the brick
19:33:36 <smooge> and not the store
19:33:49 <nirik> gluster has a 'brick' that stores the files, and then it exposes them via nfs or fuse... you operate on the fuse/nfs mount so it can sync to all the indicated bricks
19:33:53 <smooge> I thought the raw brick was a large file I couldn't look at :)
19:34:00 <nirik> nope, it's a tree...
19:34:05 <smooge> ahhhhhh
19:34:11 <smooge> well then I am in the wrong place
19:34:12 <nirik> with some extra acls/metadata
19:34:25 <threebean> a brick-tree.
19:34:40 <nirik> I can poke it after the meeting too... not a big deal, just want it to stop alerting. ;)
19:35:24 <nirik> if needed we could likely increase the size of those instances...
19:35:40 <nirik> oh, that reminds me, I had a packages/tagger question...
19:36:23 <nirik> (we expose tags now? could we also expose icons and descriptions there? )
19:36:50 <threebean> hm.
19:37:03 <nirik> because doing a script on compose seems horrible to me.
19:37:09 <threebean> they are... already exposed through the fedora-packages api?
19:37:18 <threebean> python-pkgwat-api has code to query for them.
19:37:25 <nirik> so, hurray? :)
19:37:38 <threebean> :)
19:38:00 <nirik> dunno about localized descriptions or even where those would be.
19:38:08 <threebean> oof.. yeah.
19:38:29 <nirik> so, if you could reply on ticket perhaps we could sort it, or catch him on irc.
19:38:33 * threebean nods
19:38:35 <threebean> will
19:38:40 <threebean> will see if it'll do what he needs.
19:38:41 <nirik> thanks mucho
19:38:49 <nirik> it seems like it might
19:39:03 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
19:39:03 <nirik>
19:39:11 <nirik> I updated our calendar with freezes and such
19:39:18 <nirik> anything else folks want to schedule or note?
19:39:57 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
19:40:04 <nirik> any items for open floor?
19:40:36 <besser82> the fedorabugs-sponsors thing from yesterday's FESCo-meeting, I think :)
19:40:50 <frankieonuonga> just one thing...and I am not sure if i should even ask this..but the dev environ..that is the git used there a guide on how to get on.
19:40:54 <frankieonuonga> sorry if this is silly
19:40:56 <nirik> oh yeah, I was meaning to reply to that on besser82
19:41:16 <nirik> besser82: so, is the main issue that it can be slow?
19:41:24 <nirik> frankieonuonga: not silly at all.
19:41:33 <nirik> anyone have a good getting started with git guide?
19:41:54 <frankieonuonga> like i can use git pretty well...but i dont know where this is for you guys
19:42:03 <frankieonuonga> like where exactly you store the code
19:42:23 <frankieonuonga> in terms of maybe or girorious...something like that and how to plug to that
19:42:24 <nirik> frankieonuonga: well, for puppet and ansible and infra-docs, etc... it's all git repos on lockbox01.
19:42:42 <nirik> for many of our applications it is github/fedora-infra/
19:42:43 <besser82> nirik: the main issue here 1) it is slow (sometimes) 2) fedorabugs-group is abused
19:42:48 <frankieonuonga> nirik: you have lost me just a little.
19:43:00 <frankieonuonga> oh ok ok .
19:43:02 <frankieonuonga> got it.
19:43:27 <nirik> besser82: yeah, looks like tickets go direct to tibbs. We could change that to a pool of people. as for fedorabugs, yeah, but is it really worth making a new group just for that?
19:43:31 <threebean> frankieonuonga: if you have any questions about the stuff on the best place to ask is probably #fedora-apps, btw.
19:43:53 <frankieonuonga> i see...ok.
19:43:59 <frankieonuonga> thanks threebean
19:44:05 <besser82> nirik: no need for a new group if all of you are fine with usung fedorabugs :)
19:44:24 <nirik> besser82: the nice thing about fedorabugs is... when someone gets added to packager, they get added to fedorabugs anyhow.
19:44:33 <nirik> so, there's nothing to clean up. ;)
19:44:42 <threebean> frankieonuonga: one more link that might be of help ->
19:44:46 <besser82> nirik: makes sense :)
19:44:54 <threebean> frankieonuonga: its a collection of notes on development practices
19:45:06 <Xeladem> nice :)
19:45:11 <nirik> besser82: anyhow, we can look at fixing it up out of meeting. ;)
19:45:11 <Xeladem> thk
19:45:13 <Xeladem> thx
19:45:45 <besser82> nirik: the pool of people thing... Limited to who / how much?   /   kk, will you ping me then?
19:46:14 <nirik> besser82: sure, I can... and if I don't you can ping me. ;) Well, we could just make it 'fedorabugs-sponsor-members' for everyone who can sponsor in fedorabugs. ;)
19:47:05 <nirik> any other comments, questions, suggestions?
19:47:22 <threebean> oh, so..    my family is having another baby ;)  due date is sept 27 -- This means I'll probably be.. scarce around then.  :)
19:48:01 <nirik> congrats!
19:48:05 <threebean> thanks!
19:48:49 <nirik> Oh, I am also planning on being out toward the beginning of october.
19:49:03 <nirik> a week and a few days probibly.
19:49:28 <threebean> cool, cool.
19:49:55 <nirik> anyhow, if nothing else will close out in a min.
19:50:00 <smooge> oh going to Las Cruces?
19:50:07 <frankieonuonga> thanks threebean
19:50:18 <nirik> smooge: nope... fish camp, ca... outside of yosimite. ;)
19:50:26 <smooge> oh even better. No internet
19:50:33 <nirik> yeah, hiking and redwoods.
19:50:43 <smooge> say hi to Sam for me. And remember it is duck season.
19:51:03 <nirik> :)
19:51:09 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone!
19:51:11 <nirik> #endmeeting

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