Matt Domsch wrote:
On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 03:47:00PM -0500, Mike McGrath wrote:
2007-09-27T14:02:40 <mmcgrathbot> mmcgrath: #170 (Hosting respins)
May I suggest we create a directory structure for the spins that can
fit in with the directory structure on the master mirror servers? In
this way, we might be able to move content back-and-forth between the
two trees without completely screwing up mirrors.
What do I mean?
Here's the current tree at pub/fedora/linux/releases/ :
|-- 7
| |-- Everything
| | |-- i386
| | | `-- os
| | | |-- Fedora
| | |-- source
| | | `-- SRPMS
| | | `-- repodata
| | `-- x86_64
| | `-- os
| | |-- Fedora
| |-- Fedora
| | |-- i386
| | | |-- iso
| | | `-- os
| | | |-- Fedora
| | |-- source
| | | |-- SRPMS
| | | `-- iso
| | `-- x86_64
| | |-- iso
| | `-- os
| | |-- Fedora
| `-- Live
| |-- i386
| `-- x86_64
For spins posted on, I'd want it to have a
similar structure:
|-- 8
| |-- Games
| | |-- i386
| | | |-- iso
| | | `-- os
| | |-- source
| | | |-- SRPMS
| | `-- x86_64
| | |-- iso
| `-- OtherRandomSpin
| | |-- i386
| | | |-- iso
| | | `-- os
| | |-- source
| | | |-- SRPMS
| | `-- x86_64
| | |-- iso
Surely we can figure out how to torrent the ISOs directly from the ISO
directories then.
It may seem extraneous, but this would let us move a popular spin from
spins.fp.o onto the master mirror with little difficulty for our
mirrors; likewise we could move less-popular spins from the master
mirror over to spins.fp.o.
And, if we ran rsync on spins.fp.o, we could let people mirror that
content via rsync instead of torrent-only. We wouldn't expect our
Fedora mirrors to do so, but we wouldn't prevent it either.
Good point. I had thought spins.fp.o would only be containing ISO's do
you think SRPMS and such will also be hosted there? Is there a reason
we'd have to host them there?