Have been doing some Moin testing on my own (was able to get compareable delays after generating ~3500 Moin users on my own wiki). Turns out the #moin-dev guys don't like hotshots (sounds like it is pretty unreliable) and prefer cProfile (which is in Python 2.5). I cooked up this little patch to add cProfile support for the standalone moin server -- maybe useful to someone interested in doing profiling of the wiki later: http://fedorapeople.org/~rayvd/moin/moin-cProfile/ After looking at the profile information, it seems that creating an index/cache of page subscription regexp's pointing to the subscribed users would speed things up a lot. I don't think this would be too bad to write. The #moin-dev guys agree, and would be willing to up-port any patch I make for 1.5.8 into their 1.6 code. They are currently writing a whole new storage subsystem, but obviously it will be some time before it's stable and even longer before Fedora makes use of it would be my guess. See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RayVanDolson#Moin for my project notes on this. My own personal wiki contains the most information about what I've tried so far. Ray