Karsten Wade wrote:
On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 23:30 +0200, Marek Mahut wrote:
In fact, and maybe with pages or cell numbers (for sms only, of course)
Maybe we can enable an alias (of sorts) for sysadmin paging. For
example, kwade-page (at) fedoraproject.org would send to an SMS page
number that I can specify in FAS.
The reason is to let us set strict and harsh spamassassin rules behind
those aliases. Or perhaps an SMS is not passed through the alias
channel unless it is sent from an email address that is on record for a
FAS account holder. Or perhaps it is an even smaller list of people who
can use that SMS, a specific set of From: email addresses and SMS
Personally, I want to know when infrastructure I have a stake in is
having problems, but I don't want to be nagged by nagios. So, these are
definitely escalation paths that need a human involved, probably one who
has seen/heard of the problem and is sure it is real. Similarly, when I
detect a problem that really needs intervention, I want a way to know
that someone with a key and an interest knows about it. That for me was
the most frustrating part of the F7 launch, when the first few days
passed and problems arose, I was never sure it had anyone's attention
and so stuff languished that had an easy resolution.
Even volunteers have good reason to want an early and useful page.
Arriving Just In Time is not only good for one's hero profile, it also
helps keep five minute solutions from being three hour problems.
I'll add whoever wants to be added. We can also work a formal tree now
if need be.
Don't make me regret this :-/