Re: Multiple CLA Implementation

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On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 15:55 -0400, Warren Togami wrote:
> One Time Changes
> ================
> 4) Modify existing Fedora CLA signing process to join fedora_cla instead 
> of cla_done.
> Automatic Changes Thereafter
> ============================
> fedora_cla auto adds to cla_done
> redhat_cla autoadds to cla_done
> dell_cla autoadds to cla_done
> Toshio's cvsextras -> fedorabugs code should work in these cases too?

Patch attached to handle these two things.  Notes:

1) This is untested code and could contain bugs.  Please test that it
does what it's supposed to when applying for a new Fedora Individual CLA
and being approved for cvsextras.

2) This obsoletes my previous patch to auto-add fedorabugs when a person
is approved for cvsextras.

? fas1-auto-cla-fedorabugs.diff
? fas1-fedorabugs.patch
Index: send-cla.cgi
RCS file: /cvs/fedora/fedora-accounts/send-cla.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -r1.15 send-cla.cgi
--- send-cla.cgi	15 Jun 2006 20:57:55 -0000	1.15
+++ send-cla.cgi	2 Apr 2007 19:15:23 -0000
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
 dbc.execute("SELECT * FROM person WHERE username = %s", (auth_username, ))
 arow = dbc.fetchhash()
-dbc.execute("SELECT id FROM project_group WHERE name = 'cla_done'")
+dbc.execute("SELECT id FROM project_group WHERE name = 'fedora_cla'")
 if not dbc.rowcount:
     print "The accounts system is awaiting setup."
-cla_done_id = dbc.fetchone()[0]
+fedora_cla_id = dbc.fetchone()[0]
 dbc.execute("SELECT * FROM role WHERE person_id = %s AND project_group_id = %s",
-            (arow['id'], cla_done_id))
+            (arow['id'], fedora_cla_id))
 role_row = dbc.fetchhash()
 if role_row and role_row['role_status'] == 'approved':
     print "Your Contributor License Agreement for the %s account has already been approved." % auth_username
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@
 if role_row:
     dbc.execute("UPDATE role SET role_status = %s WHERE person_id = %s AND project_group_id = %s AND role_status <> 'approved'",
-                (arow['signingcode'], arow['id'], cla_done_id))
+                (arow['signingcode'], arow['id'], fedora_cla_id))
     dbc.execute("INSERT INTO role (person_id, project_group_id, role_type, role_domain, role_status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
-                (arow['id'], cla_done_id, 'user', None, arow['signingcode']))
+                (arow['id'], fedora_cla_id, 'user', None, arow['signingcode']))
 print """An e-mail has been sent to you with the Fedora Individual Contributor License Agreement. Please follow the 
RCS file: /cvs/fedora/fedora-accounts/,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3
---	30 Mar 2007 20:10:09 -0000	1.3
+++	2 Apr 2007 19:15:23 -0000
@@ -20,6 +20,13 @@
 dbname_map = {'auth':'fedorausers'}
 dbctx_map = {'auth':'live', 'metrics':'metrics-source'}
 dbcnx_map = {}
+# Mapping of group to groups that are automatically added to a user when the
+# original group is approved.
+auto_approve_groups = {'cvsextras' : ('fedorabugs',),
+        'dell_cla' : ('cla_done',),
+        'fedora_cla' : ('cla_done',),
+        'redhat_cla' : ('cla_done',)
+        }
 fh = aline = pieces = None
 if os.environ.has_key('HOME') and os.path.isfile(os.environ.get('HOME') + '/.fedora-db-access'):
@@ -540,6 +547,7 @@
             allowed_actions = get_allowed_group_actions(dbh, auth_username, role_group, for_username=role_user)
             dbc.execute("SELECT sponsor_id, role_status FROM role WHERE " + rolespec, roleargs)
             arow = dbc.fetchone()
             if action_name == 'decline' and arow and arow[1] != 'unapproved':
                 print "You cannot decline memberships that are already approved."
@@ -554,6 +562,8 @@
                  and have_prereq)
                 or action_name != 'approve') \
                 and action_name in allowed_actions:
+                # Change the approval status of the person in this group
                 if action_name == 'approve':
                     qry ="UPDATE role SET role_status = %s, approval = NOW() WHERE " + rolespec
@@ -567,6 +577,45 @@
                 authi = get_user_info(dbh, auth_username)
                 ginfo = get_group_info(dbh, role_group_id)
                 joinmsg = ginfo.get('joinmsg', '')
+                # If the user is approved for certain groups it autoapproves
+                # them for certain others.
+                if new_status == 'approved' and role_group in \
+                        auto_approve_groups:
+                    for group in auto_approve_groups[role_group]:
+                        # Check whether the user is already a member of the
+                        # auto-approved group.
+                        qry = "select role_status from role natural join" \
+                                " project_group where person_id = %s and" \
+                                " role_domain = %s and" \
+                                " name = %s"
+                        dbc.execute(qry, (role_user_id, role_domain, group))
+                        checkrole = dbc.fetchone()
+                        if checkrole and checkrole[0] != 'approved':
+                            # User is a member but needs to be approved
+                            qry = "update role natural join project_group" \
+                                    " set role_status = 'approved'" \
+                                    " where person_id = %s and" \
+                                    " role_domain = %s and" \
+                                    " name = %s"
+                            dbc.execute(qry, (role_user_id, role_domain, group))
+                            dbh.commit()
+                        elif not checkrole:
+                            # Add the user to the group
+                            qry = "insert into role (person_id," \
+                                    " project_group_id, role_domain," \
+                                    " role_type, role_status)" \
+                                    " select %s, project_group_id, %s," \
+                                    " 'user', 'approved')" \
+                                    " from project_group where name = %s"
+                            dbc.execute(qry, (role_user_id, role_domain, group))
+                            dbh.commit()
+                        else:
+                            # User was already approved for this group.
+                            # Nothing to be done.
+                            pass
                 if action_name != 'approve':
                     joinmsg = ''
                 send_email(accounts_email, uinfo['email'], "Your Fedora %s membership has been %s" % (role_group, new_status),

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