Bill Nottingham wrote:
Dimitris Glezos (dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx) said:I'm not sure either, I'll take smolt as an example. I want smolt to be translated, I won't be translating it because I am not multi-lingual. If the translations project had a set of rules / policies "You want translations, do this this and this, host your project here in this repo" Then I'd gladly migrate from hg to cvs or whatever they requested. How is this type of thing being done now and for how many projects?Our translators have made it clear they want to use a SCM for the translations and said an *additional* web-based tool would be nice. So, let's first create our SCM and we'll see about whether we should use pootle.Use *one* SCM. How to gate currently hosted GIT/HG/etc into this is unclear. :/