On 1/18/07, Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> wrote:
On 1/18/07, Rahul Sundaram < sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Mike McGrath wrote:
> I saw it being used in atleast one guy's profile. Maybe a send a mail to
> everyone with the account that we are dropping off the first.last@xxxx
> alias would be more prudent just in case someone is using it actively.
> Moreover it would be useful if users in the account name can set aliases
> manually. When you sign up for a account, the fact that you get a email
> id automatically should be better documented in the account pages too.
> Rahul
Unless anyone can think of any reason not to, I'll send a list to
announce, devel and extras stating that we'll be getting rid of
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