I'm a new guy to the list, as requested this is my experience and skill level info:
* Full name: Michael Canann
* Profession: Software Engineer
* Your goals in the Fedora Project: Contribute software and system admin.
* Languages: English
* Historical qualifications
* What other projects? Bug fixes and configuration/makefile changes to RapidSVN, and small changes and fixes to other projects.
* What level and type of computer skills do you have? Using Red Hat since 97, professionally since 99. Primary languages are C/C++ (10+ years), Perl (8 years), SQL, and QT. Secondary languages Ruby, Java, PHP and Python.
* What other skills do you have that might be applicable? System admin for multiple servers, Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise. Project management (SEI CMM), and manage multiple Bugzilla instillations.
* What makes you an excellent match for the project? history of Linux programming, system and project administration.
* GPG KEYID and fingerprint
pub 1024D/FE5030C1 2006-10-17 Michael Canann <mike_canann@xxxxxxxxx>
Key fingerprint = DAAD D303 98FF 04BF C0ED B578 0774 B181 FE50 30C1
sub 1024g/7B461722 2006-10-17 [expires: 2007-09-23]
Mike Canann