This was a shorter meeting today. IRC Log attached. --Jeffrey
16:00 < iWolf> Meeting time... 16:00 < iWolf> Who's here? 16:00 < skvidal> I am, for better or worse 16:01 * iWolf nods 16:01 < abadger1999> Sorta here 16:01 < Sopwith> Here 16:02 < Sopwith> (sorta) 16:02 * iWolf wraps up a phone call 16:04 < lmacken> wee.. </class><weekend> 16:04 < iWolf> OKay. Back. 16:04 < iWolf> Sorry. 16:05 < iWolf> PRobably a short meeting today. mmcgrath had something come up at work and dgilmore had a doc appointment. 16:05 < iWolf> The big thing mmcgrath wanted people to talk about was his officer/role email from earlier in the week. 16:05 < iWolf> And to take a vote on that. 16:05 < iWolf> Everyone familiar with the email? 16:05 < lmacken> indeed 16:06 < iWolf> 16:06 < iWolf> Are most people okay with moving forward with what mmcgrath proposed? 16:06 < iWolf> dgilmore cast an absentee ballot for yes. 16:07 < iWolf> Obviously Mike thinks it's a good step forward. 16:07 < iWolf> And I'm in agreement with them. I think it is a good direction for us to head. 16:07 < iWolf> Other thoughts? Disagreements? 16:07 < skvidal> I'll go with it 16:07 < skvidal> sure 16:08 -!- lyz [n=lyz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-admin 16:08 < lyz> meeting going on? 16:08 < iWolf> yeah. 16:08 < abadger1999> Yeah. We need officers to make day-to-day decisions, come up with new ideas, get people involved wit h definitive tasks. 16:08 < iWolf> lyz: we are adding thoughts to mmcgrath's email earlier int eh week 16:08 < iWolf> 16:08 < abadger1999> I'm all for it. 16:09 < iWolf> Good, sounds like the vote leans towards moving forward with mmcgrath's proposal. 16:09 < iWolf> Anyone else? 16:10 < iWolf> Okay, I think Mike's plan is to get a wiki page up to help define the roles, people listed in the email wil l want to help define their role. 16:11 < iWolf> Once we have that, the plan is to put out another call for volunteers. 16:11 < lmacken> sounds good 16:11 < iWolf> So, be thinking of what projects would be good for a newcomer, even if they aren't on the schedule yet. 16:12 < iWolf> I think that was our issue last time, we didn't have a good plan for working them into the group. So feel free to add to the schedule or be ready for tasks/projects for newcomers. 16:12 < iWolf> If no one else has anything to add to that, we can move on... 16:12 * iWolf pauses 16:14 < iWolf> Okay... On to the schedule. Since it is a light crowd today, speak up if you have something to report. 16:14 < lyz> | 16:14 < lyz> I'm done with the LDAP schema 16:14 < lyz> for the account system2 16:14 < iWolf> lyz: nice! 16:14 < lyz> It loads into openldap at least 16:14 < abadger1999> lyz: Cool! 16:15 < iWolf> lyz: are you adding to the wiki page with some of the info? And feel free to post to the mailing list on t hat too. 16:15 < lyz> I'd like a box to test it on. Was that going to be a xen host 16:15 < lyz> iWolf, ok will do 16:15 < iWolf> lyz: Yeah, I think it will be a xen box. OS preference? 16:15 < lyz> Linux :) 16:15 < iWolf> :) 16:16 < lyz> RHEL 4 is good 16:16 < lyz> I need FDS though 16:16 < iWolf> lyz: okay. W've had some issues getting an RHEL to run as a Xen guest on Xen2. dgilmore has been working on that. 16:17 < lyz> I'll try to get FDS on my FC5 box and start loading some test data up 16:17 < abadger1999> Is the xen machine going to be a test box? 16:18 < lyz> to start with yes 16:18 < abadger1999> Maybe we should setup a FC6 guest since those have been pretty trivial. 16:18 < iWolf> abadger1999: they have been much quicker to install. 16:18 < lyz> should work 16:18 < lyz> I think the version of FDS is what matters the most anyway 16:19 < iWolf> lyz: Cool, if we get the RHEL guest issue sorted out soon, then we can do that, otherwise get a Core6 guest with FDS to at least get a test machine running for you. 16:19 < lyz> iWolf, it's a deal thanks 16:20 < iWolf> As for teh db upgrade.... 16:20 < iWolf> We tried the RHEL install in a guest, which has been problematic. We did have a Core 6 box running though where I tested the DB restores and started mapping out a more concrete plan. 16:21 < iWolf> The restores were smooth and I think I have tracked down everything using one of the databases. 16:21 < iWolf> So once we have a guest we are happy with I will be restoring the DBs to the xen guest and pointing the app s at the new db2 server. 16:21 < iWolf> And then proceeding with the OS upgrade. 16:22 < iWolf> on db1 16:23 < iWolf> Let's see... 16:23 < iWolf> Anyone else have something to add? 16:23 < iWolf> Something they have been working on? Something we should be working on? 16:24 < abadger1999> I'm working on a script to encrypt the password files in fedora-config with all the necessary keys. 16:24 < iWolf> abadger1999: oh yeah, that looked pretty nice! 16:24 < abadger1999> Have to get pygpgme through Extras review to make it happen. 16:25 < abadger1999> But it's otherwise pretty complete. 16:25 < abadger1999> iWolf: Thanks :-) 16:25 < iWolf> It should make keeping that file updated a little less of a chore! 16:26 < abadger1999> Yeah -- Much easier as we get more admins we want to have access :-) 16:27 < abadger1999> Speaking of packages - Do we still request FC-3 branches of Extras packages we need to run on the ser vers? 16:28 < abadger1999> I think EL branches are waiting on jeremy to have time to set it up. 16:28 < iWolf> abadger1999: I am not 100% certain on that. I think that has come up in a meeting before, but I can't reca ll the final thought. 16:28 < iWolf> yeah, that seems to be what mmcgrath has said (re. EL branches). 16:28 < iWolf> abadger1999: I would post that one to the list and see what comes of it. 16:29 < abadger1999> iWolf: k 16:30 < iWolf> I think that covers it for the people here. 16:30 < iWolf> If no one else has anything to add...... 16:31 < iWolf> With that, the meeting is adjourned. 16:31 < iWolf> I'll post the log to the list.