IRC Meeting log from today attached. --Jeffrey
15:59 < mmcgrath> Ok, so I'm hoping for a pretty quick meeting today. Not much has happened with me except for the mirro management stuff. 15:59 < mmcgrath> Who all is here? 15:59 -!- lyz [n=lyz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-admin 15:59 < abadger1999> I am 16:01 < iWolf> I'll be here in a few.... 16:01 * dgilmore is here 16:02 < mmcgrath> any news on the package database? 16:02 < mmcgrath> c4chris: you should be able to login to bastion now ;-) 16:02 < abadger1999> I've got a xen guest installed for it. 16:02 < abadger1999> test3. 16:02 < mmcgrath> is that everything you need? 16:03 < abadger1999> Should be. I've pulled in postgresql and the 0.8 TurboGears. 16:03 < mmcgrath> Awesome. 16:03 < abadger1999> There's still two packages to be reviewed before the new TurboGears hits. 16:03 < mmcgrath> I saw lmacken talking about that earlier. 16:03 * dgilmore should review them 16:03 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: how about vcs? 16:03 < abadger1999> Kinda stalled while working on the packagedb. 16:04 < abadger1999> But warren installed some xen guests for them 16:04 < abadger1999> And I pushed FAS to the machines so we can lgin normally. 16:04 < abadger1999> I need to look at cvs.fedoraproject to see how it manages the chroot and such. 16:04 < abadger1999> Then I should be able to get something up and running. 16:05 < mmcgrath> cool. 16:06 < mmcgrath> Ok, db1 upgrade? 16:06 < mmcgrath> still waiting for a guest? 16:06 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: yeah we need to install a xen guest to migrate db1 over to 16:06 < mmcgrath> cool. 16:06 < dgilmore> who was going to do that? 16:07 < mmcgrath> i think I was but had nothing but problems with the boxes :D 16:07 < mmcgrath> if you get a sec do you want to get that install going? 16:07 < dgilmore> :( 16:07 < mmcgrath> if not don't worry about it, you've got a lot of stuff on your plate. 16:07 < mmcgrath> I'll give it another go. 16:07 < dgilmore> sure should i use fc6 or RHEL 16:08 < mmcgrath> RHEL 16:08 < dgilmore> thats what i thought 16:08 < dgilmore> and we can use unmodified guests 16:08 < mmcgrath> solid. 16:08 < dgilmore> the cpus have VT on them 16:09 < iWolf> back. 16:09 < mmcgrath> iWolf: cool, just talking about the db servers. 16:09 < dgilmore> iWolf: you missed everything :D 16:09 < iWolf> :) 16:09 < iWolf> Talk about timing. 16:10 < iWolf> Well, OLF is over, so I am ready to get back to work. 16:10 < iWolf> Which xen box do we want the DB guest on? 16:10 < iWolf> 1 or 2? 16:10 < dgilmore> iWolf: im going to install RHEL as db2 as a xen guest 16:10 < iWolf> Sounds good to me! 16:10 < dgilmore> iWolf: i was going to use xen2 16:10 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: contact iWolf after the meeting with the details. 16:10 < dgilmore> will do 16:10 -!- dmalcolm [i=dmalcolm@nat/redhat/x-652c27978a2e7082] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 16:11 < mmcgrath> lmacken's not around yet but I know he's working on turbogears. 16:11 < mmcgrath> Xen boxes are in place so we can move that to done. 16:11 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: whats the word on legacy and buildroots? 16:11 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: done 16:11 < mmcgrath> k, we'll move those to done. 16:12 < mmcgrath> whats the word on the SMTP server? 16:12 < dgilmore> we need to setup push scripts unless f13 wants to rsync off the results and do it some other way 16:12 -!- dmalcolm [i=dmalcolm@nat/redhat/x-819bfedfc14279df] has joined #fedora-admin 16:12 < dgilmore> it should just need postgrey installed if we plan on using it 16:12 < dgilmore> if not some testing to make sure it looks ok 16:13 < f13> dgilmore: push scripts would wait for lmacken to make the update tool external 16:13 < dgilmore> f13: ok so you will just rsync off legacy updates to somewhere? 16:14 < f13> hrm? 16:14 < f13> yeah, to the Fedora updates dirs 16:15 < dgilmore> f13: ok so we need a set of scripts similar to extras to build the repo tree sign packages etc? 16:16 < dgilmore> hmm i should set up some buildsys-macros packages for legacy also 16:17 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: you have any questions pointers etc on smtp? 16:17 < f13> dgilmore: probably yeah (the buildsys-macros) 16:18 < dgilmore> f13: we can chat about what you will need later 16:18 < iWolf> Does smtp need any OTRS done before we roll to it? 16:18 < f13> dgilmore: sure. lmacken would be important here as the update tool effects the workflow. 16:18 < dgilmore> iWolf: yeah it will need the OTRS client 16:19 < c4chris> mmcgrath, closer, but not completely fine yet: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host 16:19 < iWolf> I've started getting that this afternoon as well. :( 16:20 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: not really, we just need to get OTRS and the aliases on there as far as I know. 16:20 < mmcgrath> The hard part will be the spam/virust tweaking 16:20 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: aliases are on there 16:21 < mmcgrath> we should be pretty good on there then 16:21 < mmcgrath> c4chris: we'll troubleshoot after the meeting. 16:21 < mmcgrath> Speaking of which all the major items have been covered. 16:21 < mmcgrath> We still need to discuss configuration management but I'd like skvidal to be here for that 16:24 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: we need to be better about it 16:25 < mmcgrath> I'll move that up to a higher priority on the wiki. 16:25 < mmcgrath> Actually lets discuss that now, floors open. What are your thoughts/opinions. 16:26 < iWolf> I think a big issue is just making sure it gets used. 16:26 < iWolf> If a solution has some enforcement of that, it might help. 16:26 < dgilmore> the only way to do that is automated config pushes. which is just ugly 16:27 < iWolf> then maybe good old fashioned peer pressure can help! :) 16:27 < abadger1999> And auto-push wouldn't take care of local configuration of newly installed services... 16:28 < dgilmore> abadger1999: no it would only work on services that are known 16:28 < mmcgrath> iWolf: nod. Its very hard to create a technical solution to a policy problem but we should at least come up with s omething. 16:28 < mmcgrath> well some configs should be left alone. 16:28 < mmcgrath> /etc/fstab comes to mind immediately. 16:28 < mmcgrath> We've been burned on that in the past. 16:28 < iWolf> mmcgrath: Yeah, having a config management the majority agree on would help. 16:28 < mmcgrath> hell cvs doesn't even boot on its own right now. 16:28 < iWolf> mmcgrath: I've been burned there. 16:29 < iWolf> mmcgrath: but I think some of that was before you or I got here. 16:29 < mmcgrath> some of it :D. CVS has been broken since mar/april 16:29 < iWolf> mmcgrath: I know I had to fix fstab in the dist-conf on several of the boxes I upgraded. 16:29 < iWolf> mmcgrath: true... 16:29 < mmcgrath> Ok, so there's lots of configs to deal with. 16:30 < mmcgrath> I'll try to get a look at what skvidal does. 16:30 < iWolf> His way did sound interesting. The bits and pieces I remember. 16:30 < mmcgrath> its an hourly push thing, if files are different an email gets generated to the admins and the config gets overwrit ten. 16:30 < mmcgrath> The old config is backed up. 16:30 < mmcgrath> That way only new changes get overwritten 16:31 < iWolf> Sounds like it might work for us. 16:32 < iWolf> Definitely interested in hearing more about it. 16:32 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: its based on or uses cfengine doesnt it? 16:33 < iWolf> dgilmore: I thought it was home brewed? 16:33 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: I think its completely home made. 16:33 < mmcgrath> its a duke thing. 16:33 < dgilmore> ahh ok 16:33 < mmcgrath> we'll have to get seth in to talk about it some more. 16:33 < dgilmore> i missed something :D 16:34 < mmcgrath> Here's my preferred requirements: 16:34 < mmcgrath> 1) Simple 16:34 < mmcgrath> 2) reliable and predictable 16:34 < iWolf> +1 16:34 < mmcgrath> 3) enforcable (IE, overwrites bad configs and backs them up with email notification) 16:34 < mmcgrath> 4) has a way to keep some items if not all private (keys and such) 16:34 < mmcgrath> 5) Simple 16:34 < mmcgrath> After all we're talking about 10's of machines, not 1000's :D 16:35 < mmcgrath> anyone have anything to add/comment on? 16:35 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: and dont forget Simple 16:35 < iWolf> I'm in the same camp with you. Simple, reliable and some method of enforcement. 16:35 < mmcgrath> 6) Not complex 16:35 < iWolf> :) 16:36 < mmcgrath> Ok. So we'll talk about this more in the list and next week. 16:36 < mmcgrath> Floors open, anyone have anything to add? 16:36 < mmcgrath> about anything? any new users out there? 16:36 < iWolf> That could be something we figure out. 16:37 < iWolf> How to keep the new folks around. 16:37 < iWolf> Sort of back to some of your earlier emails. 16:37 < iWolf> About easy entrance to Infrastructure. 16:38 < dgilmore> I would have joined infrastructure much sooner if i knew i could 16:38 < mmcgrath> Yeah, new guys come and go. 16:38 < abadger1999> Do we have more people looking to sysadmin or to build new infrastructure? 16:38 < mmcgrath> little of both. 16:38 < mmcgrath> the problem is as our infrastructure grows, we're going to need more sysadmins. 16:39 < mmcgrath> I've got the groups worked out so we can start adding mail folks, dba's, nagios, web, etc. 16:39 < iWolf> Yeah, I think some of your ideas with getting started with OTRS, nagios, etc could be a way to get new people involved. 16:39 < iWolf> As they hang around, then they get more access and more responsibilities. 16:39 < mmcgrath> The problem is keeping them here. I think a lot of people think FI is more glamorous than it is :D 16:39 < iWolf> :) 16:40 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: it may not be glamours but its fun :D 16:40 < dgilmore> while also a chalange 16:40 < dgilmore> gahh i cant type again 16:41 < mmcgrath> yeah 16:41 < mmcgrath> So, time for another cattle call? 16:41 < mmcgrath> I'll come up with something for the Announce list. 16:41 < iWolf> I think we should have a strategy of how to introduce the new folks though. 16:41 < iWolf> I think last time we had volunteers, but had a hard time working them into the system. 16:41 < dgilmore> :) i think before we do maybe we have a set of task we can asisgn 16:42 < iWolf> dgilmore: yep. 16:42 < iWolf> *then* we send the announcement. 16:42 < iWolf> and we have items for people to get started on. 16:42 < iWolf> The Xen guests might help with some of that too. 16:42 < mmcgrath> Yeah, we've talked about the officers thing. Maybe we should go back to that. 16:42 < iWolf> Assuming we can be a little more liberal. 16:42 < mmcgrath> similar to the sponsors place in extras. 16:42 < iWolf> with those. 16:43 < dgilmore> iWolf: I think we can the test instances yeah 16:43 < iWolf> mmcgrath: I think some of that is a good idea. 16:43 < mmcgrath> Ok, I'll come up with a proposal and send it to the list by tonight. 16:43 < iWolf> mmcgrath: sounds good! 16:43 < mmcgrath> If approved I'll send a cattle call out to the Announce list. 16:44 < mmcgrath> Ok, anyone have anything else? 16:44 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: thanks 16:44 < dgilmore> I cantthink of anything else 16:45 < iWolf> I'm good here. 16:45 < abadger1999> mmcgrath: Thanks for running the meetings too. 16:45 < mmcgrath> No prob. 16:46 < mmcgrath> ok, meeting end. 16:46 < iWolf> heck, thanks for all the work you do mmcgrath! 16:46 < mmcgrath> No prob guys, can someone send the meeting notes to the list? 16:46 < iWolf> I will.