Can someone help Rich out with this?
Thanks in advance,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 08:13:35 -0600
From: Richard Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Max Spevack <mspevack@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Problem with Bonsai on cvs.fedora for /cvs/dirsec/ldapserver?
The first strange thing is "Nobody seems to have made any changes since
the tree opened."
Next, I do a query to find all changes made on HEAD since tag
FedoraDirSvr102 (or since 03-01-2006) on the queryform.
It only shows me changes up to 03-20-2006 - nothing after that.
My CVS fu is not strong - do you know how I can do the same query from the
command line? cvs log .... and cvs history ... show too much (modules and
branches and dates that I don't want, even though I specify -n, -m, -r,
etc.). The bonsai query gives me exactly what I want - a list of changes
on a branch (or HEAD) since a certain date, with the log message and a
link to the diffs.