Sorry, I acciedntally sent the message incomplete, due to the poor quality of the user interface...ironic, isn't it? Hi, I know this is not strictly an IIIM issue, but can anyone recommend a good quality Japanese conversion engine. Using Canna is like using a ワープロ from 1975. It always suggests the most unusual and unlikely kanji instead of the most common ones, for example, when I enter: さいしん I get 斎信 instead of 最新 which is far more common. Similarly, for らいしゅう I get 来集, for こんしゅう I get 今秋, etc. etc. Also, the user interface is very unweildy and inconsistent. When in GAIM, I need to press CTRL-ENTER to accept a candidate, but everywhere else, it's just ENTER. So, that's why I sent my e-mail incomplete, I accidentally pressed CTRL-ENTER which sent it. Is there any way to adjust the way it distinguishes between text that hasn't been converted yet, where the word breaks for conversion and so forth? For example, MS-IME underlines unconverted text, and word breaks show up as breaks in the underlining, while a dotted underline shows you which word you're currently working on. Is there a way to set up the text styles in IIIM/Canna? Thanks, James