Leon Ho wrote:
Hello Akira, thank you for your help. I have made sure that httx is
running (which starts htt_xbe - I don't know what that is) and started
my Java program with LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 (or LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8) and
XMODIFIERS=@im=htt but Java will not recognize the input method.
Running in a Japanese session, it does recognize it just fine though, so
for now I will just log into a Japanese session. I would like to know
why it won't work in an English environment though. If I am running
httx, htt_xbe, cannaserver, htt, and have LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 and
XMODIFIER=@im=htt Java should allow for Japanese input using htt, right?
httx need to be run on particular locale you got to use it on to enable
the bridging with XIM. In your case that will be running
'LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 httx'
Thanks! That worked just great! I've got Japanese input on GTK apps
working great, and now Java as well. (Of course, I do have to kill the
httx that starts automatically and start one up with LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8,
but that is fine by me.)
Thanks for all the help!