Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 09:02:23 +1100
> From: Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@xxxxxxxxx>
> On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 08:49 -0700, Richard Megginson wrote:
> Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> I understand where you are coming from. With openldap, you just have to
> provide your own hand tuned slapd.conf file - nothing else really is
> required. That also controls what schema is loaded.
Yeah. It really does show that I did this on OpenLDAP first...
> It's not so easy to do the same thing with fedora ds. For starters, the
> dse.ldif file is much more complex (but in your case, there are only a
> few options required to be tweaked). And the schema handling (i.e.
> include /path/to/core.schema ; include /path/to/posix.schema) is
> completely out of band with this process (well, not quite - you can
> override the nsslapd-schemadir in cn=config).
So, yes, I suppose I'm just trying to turn Fedora DS into OpenLDAP, one
step at a time :-)
Good man! ;)
(But wait, I thought we were turning OpenLDAP's config into ... oh never mind...)
I don't know if this will help you guys or not, but we implemented "include:"
directives for LDIF, following this discussion:
The current manpage also describes it
Note that this is already implemented in OpenLDAP 2.3, we just didn't
backport the manpage update (oops).
Anyway, this lets us create very compact config.ldif's that can be slapadd'd
to bootstrap a server, with all relevant schema (in LDIF, not slapd.conf
format) referenced as desired.
Obviously being able to keep everything under a single config tree makes life
a lot easier.
-- Howard Chu
Chief Architect, Symas Corp.
Director, Highland Sun
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP
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