On 06/07/2012 11:41 AM, Marcela Mašláňová wrote:
On 06/07/2012 12:25 PM, Paul Howarth wrote:
-%if !%{defined perl_bootstrap}
-# Version 1.113620 needed for "UTF"; RHEL-7 package cannot have
buildreq from EPEL-7
+# Don't run extra tests when bootstrapping as many of those
+# tests' dependencies build-require this package
+%if 0%{!?perl_bootstrap:1}
+# RHEL-7 package cannot have buildreqs from EPEL-7 (aspell-en,
+# so skip the spell check there
%if 0%{?rhel}< 7
Nicely done :)
The problem with aspell is that since RHEL-6 is preferred hunspell over
I know; I had similar problems building packages for EPEL-6 as a result
of no aspell dictionaries being shipped with RHEL-6:
> I'll apply all those macros in all problematic packages.
Some packages don't need BR: perl(Test::Spelling) if the other
spell-check dependencies are unavailable, but some (e.g.
perl-Class-Load) fail the test if that's not available, so unfortunately
the same approach doesn't work everywhere.
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