On 05/03/07, Tom 'spot' Callaway <tcallawa@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
CPAN isn't the only thing: [spot@localhost perl-5.8.8]$ grep -r "require ExtUtils::MakeMaker" * lib/CPAN.pm: require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; lib/CPAN.pm: require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; lib/ExtUtils/Embed.pm:#require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; lib/ExtUtils/Embed.pm: require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; lib/ExtUtils/t/backwards.t:require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; lib/ExtUtils/MM.pm:require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; utils/perlbug.PL: require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; so, we'd need to handle ExtUtils::Embed and perlbug too. :/ perlbug is really the hardest one. I think we really want that to be in the base perl package.
Look closer. EU::MM is only needed by perlbug on... MacOS classic. I think you can ditch that dependency :)