Hi all!
With https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/java-1.7.0-openjdk- beeing stable,
would like to make this more visible:
The jdk in Fedora, being inspired in Debian, now supports headless version. During the life of F20
(as in f21 all expected packages should be correctly headless)i would like to recommend all java
packages maintainers, who do not need audio, or X or whatever (this is still "on QA" on our side)
to swap theirs dependence to java-headless.
Alos, maintainers, please do not forget, that when you update your package, also packages you are
depending on must become "just hedless dependent". Anyway - all libraries should be jut java-headless :)
I would like to suggest especially wildFly and tomcat to try to migrate asap, as this change was
designed for them :)
Btw - the update above is now somehow stuck - it not in testing, nor in updates. Maybe the relengs
can help.
Best regards
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