Hi, all. As some of you know, I changed jobs 3 months ago, and since then, I have had no time to work on keeping my java packages updated and in line with changing packaging guidelines. I'm looking for volunteers to take over some of these packages, and thought I would ask this list before posting to fedora-devel. The list is below. I'll coordinate the orphaning process for each with people who volunteer. Thanks in advance. XmlSchema -- Lightweight schema object model annogen -- Java framework for JSR-175 annotations aopalliance -- Java/J2E AOP standards apache-commons-ognl -- Object Graph Navigation Library apache-parent -- Parent pom file for Apache projects aspectjweaver -- Java byte-code weaving library avalon-framework -- Java components interfaces avalon-logkit -- Java logging toolkit axiom -- Axis Object Model axis2 -- Java-based Web Services / SOAP / WSDL engine bcel -- Byte Code Engineering Library bsf -- Bean Scripting Framework btm -- Bitronix Transaction Manager derby -- Relational database implemented entirely in java ezmorph -- Object transformation library for Java geronimo-validation -- Geronimo implementation of JSR 303 ha-jdbc -- High-availability JDBC hamcrest12 -- Library of matchers for building test expressions hessian -- Java implementation of a binary protocol for web services hibernate3 -- Relational persistence and query service htmlunit -- A headless web browser for automated testing htmlunit-core-js -- Rhino fork for htmlunit jakarta-commons-httpclient -- Jakarta Commons HTTPClient implements the client side of HTTP standards jamonapi -- A Java monitoring API java-uuid-generator -- A pure Java UUID generator javassist -- The Java Programming Assistant provides simple Java bytecode manipulation jexcelapi -- A Java API to read, write and modify Excel spreadsheets joda-convert -- Java library for conversion to and from standard string formats jsilver -- A pure-Java implementation of Clearsilver json-lib -- JSON library for Java jtype -- A small library for working with the Java 5 type system mule -- Mule Enterprise Service Bus Java libraries neethi -- Web Services Policy framework netty31 -- An asynchronous event-driven network application framework and tools for Java proxool -- Java connection pool library quartz -- Enterprise Job Scheduler for Java sablecc -- A parser generator written in Java saxon -- Java XSLT processor tagsoup -- A SAX-compliant HTML parser written in Java woden -- Web Service Description Language (WSDL) validating parser wss4j -- Apache WS-Security implementation xalan-j2 -- Java XSLT processor xml-security -- Implementation of W3C security standards for XML xom -- XML Pull Parser -- java-devel mailing list java-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/java-devel