--- Anthony Green <green@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On Sun, 2005-08-14 at 14:58 -0700, John M. Gabriele wrote: > > What's preferred for use on FC4: jogl or lwjgl? Or > > is there a third option -- maybe some way to do it > > with Java-Gnome? > > The java bindings for SDL include OpenGL support and are known to work > with gcj. Thanks! I hadn't thought to look for the Java SDL bindings. In the past I'd written small OpenGL programs using glut, so I was hoping to find a straight Java wrapper around freeglut (and the rest of GL and GLU too, of course). Is there a Java wrapper just for that? Looks like, with JOGL, I've got to use AWT. Here's a quick mini-tutorial I found on Sun's forum: Am I supposed to get the sdljava source from here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=124821 or can someone point me to some FC4 rpm's? Thanks, ---John ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs