On 6/17/05, Thomas Fitzsimmons wrote: > On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 11:54 -0400, Zlatin Balevsky wrote: > > Is there an officially supported/recommended way of having Sun java > > coexist with the -compat? > > Yes, we recommend creating a Sun JPackage RPM, then installing that. > All the java tools in /usr/bin will then point to Sun's Java > implementation. And in case you're unfamiliar with JPackage, that's easy to do; a quick paraphrase of http://jpackage.org/rebuilding.php: 1. Download and install the nosrc rpm http://jpackage.org/rpm.php?id=2546 2. Put the Sun package in your rpmbuild/SOURCES 3. rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/java....spec 4. enjoy your RPMs in rpmbuild/RPMS/ 5. Add your name and a comments to http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4680244.html to get Sun to produce reasonable RPMs in the first place!