Fedora-Minimal-armhfp-21-TC4-sda.raw.xz installed on a Cubieboard2:
I have installed cups, hplip and all other necessary components. I have
installed an hp8600 printer using system-config-printer from my notebook
(remote connection), and successfully printed the test page.
I then tried to test with enscript:
enscript -2r --margins=:::45 -DDuplex:true -P Den-8600 anaconda-ks.cfg
And this fails with "Filter failed".
I was fighting with this on TC2 got this far when it was time to pack up
and go home (was at IETF). So now back at it. Can someone recommend a
testing tool?
I have no trouble with this enscript command on my F20 notebook to the
same printer (but with the F20 cups system).
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