For both the Cubietruck and Cubieboard2 I needed to add the console to
my extlinux.conf - 'console=ttyS0,115200'.
Cubieboard2 is not supported by the installer. I needed to manually:
of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8; sync
The install web instructions say that the root partition is suppose to
automatically resize, and I saw this in the pre-alpha through what
seemed to be a reboot. I am not getting this now, and I have to resize
the root partition on my notebook after the firstboot.
The MACaddr is fixed from the pre-alpha uboot on the Cubietruck. Now I
have the same MACaddr with each reboot.
Problems with yum update as earlier reported.
Now on to what may be wihful thinking....
No regular console support. Video (HDMI) not working. The sunxi page
says this is 'hard'. So only console for F21 will be the serial?
No WiFi support on the Cubietruck. At least the LEDs are not flashing
to no purpose as the do with the F19 RC3 I have used. It would be nice
to have this. There is a new case for the CT:
Which supports an external WiFi antenna.
This is probably all the testing I will do with TC4.
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