On 04/25/2013 12:46 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
On 04/25/2013 11:50 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Robert Moskowitz
<rgm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I need to replace my Juniper SSG5 access gateway. I have outgrown
it. I
need more VLANs, more ports, more DHCP and RA than I can get. Also I
to split fuctionality. I am looking for 3 boxes, plus one standby.
I would
rather buy something cheap on ebay, but could go the DIY route. I want
longevity with Fedora on it (like 4 Years).
I figure that the WAN-facing box should have 2 WAN ethernets that
will run
things like PPPoE through ISP provided bridges and at least 3 LAN
interfaces. The LAN-side boxes (2) will need 8 LAN interfaces (2
tied up in
the router network).
I've only seen devices with up to 4 etherenet ports but they are
generally 1gb.
Is there reasonably prices hardware out there configured like this
with an
ARM chip that will go forward beyond F18 (which I understand that
F19 will
not support ARMv5 of my pogoplug?). Of course a stable RH/Centos
distro in
the future would be great! (RHEL 7?)
Fedora will support ARMv7 going forward, there's been no statement
from Red Hat about intentions with future products related to ARM and
given this is a Fedora list I couldn't speculate.
Earlier here, I was pointed to the cubieboard for DIY. I would have
to find
a 4 and 8 port (100Mb each) ethercard that is fully VLAN/routing
for it. Plus case and etc.
You'd need something like the Openblocks AX3. It has up to 4 Gb ports
which you could bond together and VLAN up to get 8 ports of resilient
100Mb. You don't really get devices with multiple 100Mb LAN
connections now as it's generally given that most enterprise products
would prefer a single gig and trunk VLANs over it and then bond that
for resilient/load.
Impressive. But it says only available in Japan :( I wonder what
the US$ cost is? Perhaps some of my Japanese collagues could get me
I am seeing a price of $450. Quite out of my reach. :(
hmmm. I simple Gig switch that doesn't trash VLAN tags could connect
the three, leaving 3 ports each for the 'downstream' units. Thing is
my HP2650 only has 2 gig ports, so I would need to ask my HP friends
what switch to get.
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