Re: Request: ban Harald Reindl from devel@

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On 05/22/2013 02:11 PM, inode0 wrote:
On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 8:53 AM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson"
<johannbg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 05/22/2013 12:47 PM, Rex Dieter wrote:
On 05/22/2013 05:51 AM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:

Anyway I want to know exactly why the board *chose* those individuals to
serve on behalf of the community
Simple answer:  the board considered them as good candidates to do the

I'm not looking a for a simple answer I'm looking for the reason why the
board chose them over all the other contributors in the project.
The CWG had a defined purpose. The Board proposed not just these
contributors but a larger group who members on the Board were
confident in doing this job. Each Board member has their own reasons
for feeling this group was well suited to the task.
Yes explain to me what those reason where

  Some of those
asked to help start the CWG accepted, others declined. One could less
cynically view this as the Board tossing a pool of qualified people
into a room and letting them form from that pool as they would. Not
every new initiative can begin at a grand scale.
Or as I said picking it's own favorites.

which arguably should be selected by the community...
When proposing the CWG charter, we purposely choose to make it appointment
only.  The logic being that we wanted the best candidates, not necessarily
only those who would win a popularity contest (by election).
How is that different from the board picking it's own favorite and
apparently not being able to fully back up with reason why they considered
those individuals more suited than others to fulfill cwg roles.
The Board left the decision about succession up to the CWG to figure
out. We just helped get it started. If the CWG wants to select members
by throwing darts at FAS they can do that now.

If you expect me to take my hat on for the board to effectively created 
judge/jury and executioners to play god over community members fate's 
and has now given them the ability to throw dart's at fas to select 
which individuals get to play god ( for how long hmm I guess they decide 
that themselves right ) without any communities saying in it I'm not.
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