On सोमवार 26 मार्च 2012 09:38 पूर्वाह्न, inode0 wrote:
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Rajesh Ranjan<rranjan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Even for nunbers, companies consider Connotation analysis:
Lots of work and research people do in name selection:
Do you want someone else to do this? I don't see anything preventing
someone interested in this from just doing it and reporting the
results of their analysis back to the Board now.
I do recall discussion about F13 and whether or not we should skip
that one. I think we are sensitive about trying not to offend anyone
but inevitably since we can't devote armies of lawyers and marketing
people to research every name we use we rely on the good sense of
contributors and feedback from the community. I would be interested in
seeing such an analysis done on F18 names if someone would like to
volunteer to do it.
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A single person or two-three persons cannot do it. Understanding cultures of diff geos is not an easy task.
I think after selecting some three-four names we can ask for the help on lists like translation or ambassador @ fedoraproject.org. translation list have around 100 langauge people and they can be good resources for the same. Generally properietary companies do this work through LSPs or Translation Agencies. But we can post it to our translation list by creating a page where they can put their commnets. It is just an idea. We can think some better ways also by discussing among us.
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