On 14.05.2009 20:46, Paul W. Frields wrote:
The Board had a long discussion today about the increasingly toxic
nature of discussions on Fedora Project mailing lists. The meeting
minutes are available on the wiki[1], as always. I wanted to point
specifically to the proposal currently before the Board.
The problem: The Board is disappointed at the degradation in tone and
signal of some Fedora Project lists.
I completely agree that there is a problem but sorry, I strongly dislike
how the board acted/acts here.
IMHO those that complained should have first made attemts to discuss a
proper solution on the effected lists (which didn't really happen
afaics) before going to the board for asking for help. Everything that
comes from the board like this feels like "some magic group at the top
of the hierarchy decided something without even bothering those that are
effected first". That is IMHO not how community project should act.
IOW: yes, we need a board for the hard decisions, but it IMHO should
only get involved after other ways to solve the problem have failed.
Otherwise the contributors feel like small unwanted bees that are needed
to do the leg-work, but there opinion doesn't count.
The proposal:
To resolve this, the Board appoints one or more Board members or other
Board-approved volunteers to monitor Fedora Project mailing lists.
The Board will warn violators of our "Be excellent to each other"
policy in the form of a one-day list moderation (with notice to the
poster). Messages not allowed through will be returned to the poster
with explanation as to why they were not allowed. If after one day of
moderation, the violation continues, the case will be brought to the
Board for further action, which could include permanent moderation,
complete removal from the project, or other remedies.
Being excellent to each other == No personal attacks, profanity
directed at people or groups, serious threats of violence, or other
things seen by the monitor as to be purposefully disrespectful.
* * *
Counter proposal: Let the community regulate itself. Ran all the mails
through a procmail recipe or something like that adds to links at the
bottom of all mails like this:
You mostly agree with the poster? Click here:
You think the poster was not nice to others
Check how others see this mail:
Of course we need a small app on the server to count that.
If someone then was "not nice to others" then at least some of the
people will click the link. The one that wrote the mail gets direct
feedback from those that read the mail and not from a magic board police
guard that should use his time for better things.
fedora-advisory-board mailing list