Karsten Wade wrote:
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 01:42:23AM +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Chris Tyler wrote:
If you want to call it "Fedora", then make it official.
Oh, believe me. I tried. I got one of the dozen spins hosted at
http://spins.fedoraproject.org and then it was stopped because of lack
of space or it was considered too much effort for composing all the
different variants or some much.
I'm confused on something here.
Can't you create the "Fedora Hindi Spin" if it otherwise meets the
spin guidelines, then host it where you would a Fedora Remix?
If I understand correctly, the current practise is not to allow out of
sync spin releases. I don't see a way to do a new Fedora 10 spin now and
have to wait for Fedora 11.
Other than that,for this to really work, the advantage of getting a work
as Fedora branded has to overweigh the overhead introduced by the
process and new uncertainties everytime.
About a dozen localized spins were approved by both Fedora Board and
rel-eng and the process was followed as it existed then during Fedora 8
development. Only one spin got hosted. Instead, if I adopt the secondary
brand, I have a bit more control and assurance that the work I put in,
doesn't get wasted.
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