On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 13:28 -0800, Jeff Spaleta wrote: > On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Jesse Keating <jkeating@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > This echos back to a conversation I had during the core/extras merge > > meetings, the idea of a Fedora Standard Base. That is, a basic set of > > things you must have in your "spin" in order to call it Fedora. These > > include things like rpm, yum, and SELinux (at least in my opinion), but > > we never really coded this up nor hashed out what should be in the FSB, > > or if FSB was even a good name for the concept. > > None of these sort of technical or quality arguments with regard to > how a set of Fedora packages maybe chosen to make up a Spin are > accounted for in the new trademark policy as drafted. The new > trademark policy is much more liberal than this, and in fact I doubt > that the Board would be required to approve trademark usage of the AOS > concept as it stands is if the new trademark policy was in effect at > this very moment. > > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pfrields/NewTrademarkGuidelines#Pure_Fedora_spins > > If we are serious about adopting the New Trademark Guidelines at some > point, then I think its appropriate to view the current trademark > approvals that come up in the light of that trademark policy draft. > And under that rules laid that in that draft.. I don't see anything > blocking use of the trademark. If selinux support can be stripped out > using nothing but pure Fedora software...that is not a blocker on the > trademark approval. If you want it to be a blocker, then you need to > punch Paul in the head about changing the new trademark policy draft > to account for that... before we put them in place. Might I suggest, as an alternative to punching me in the head, actually *commenting on the draft* as I have repeatedly requested? ;-) > Now a technical or quality bar such as the FSB concept may be > appropriate as a technical hurdle to get into to the kickstart pool > and other potential central project services which could be layered on > top of the kickstart pool like composing and hosting. -- Paul W. Frields gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 http://paul.frields.org/ - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/ irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
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