Greg DeKoenigsberg wrote:
Every Fedora package maintainer at Red Hat subscribes to the list and sets
up mail filters to receive those patches that are relevant. To heighten
the whole "accountability" thing, the recipient of the patch:
1. sends an ack to the list upon receipt -- reply, "got it," takes 2
2. sends an "accept" or "reject" note when it's either accepted or
Simple enough? Too simple? Useful?
Nope, too high overhead in my opinion. This is going to sound rough but
usually when you set up -patch mailing lists or send things to bugzilla
it's often sent to the grave. It's too easy to ignore and too hard to
Here's one possible vision. Imagine that you have your source tree.
(Note that I didn't say tarball) and it was easy to know exactly what
patches or changes were pending to the source tree. You knew who owned
them, who thought they were cool or they sucked and it was _super_ easy
to generate a build with that change. i.e. you could generate a build
automatically with the click of a single button. If a change spanned
more than one package - and they often do - that there was some kind of
linkage between a set of changes in a set of packages.
Trying it out would be done with a single button click and when you were
done testing you could go back, also with a single click.
What I'm suggesting here might be seen as crazy, but I don't think it's
anywhere outside of the realm of what we can do today. You just can't
really do this with rpm and bugzilla and mailing lists. The system and
pieces are too layered and sparse. And they certainly aren't designed
to make it easy to connect developers with their end users. Nor do we
have systems that really enable participation. At best what we have is
a system that lets you leave a note in the suggestion box.
fedora-advisory-board mailing list
fedora-advisory-board-readonly mailing list