Welcome all, to the Fedora Advisory Board.
There's 25 folks on here now. I've migrated people over from the old
advisors list who either made sense to be here or specifically asked to be
included. I also pulled some other names and added them as made sense, or
who I thought would have some good opinions about Fedora, and want to be
involved in the discussions.
Take a look at the subscriber list, and think about who else in the Fedora
world should be on this list.
Coming soon -- the first few discussion threads of real substance. :-)
buckle up.
Max Spevack
+ gpg key -- http://people.redhat.com/~mspevack/mspevack.asc
+ fingerprint -- CD52 5E72 369B B00D 9E9A 773E 2FDB CB46 5A17 CF21