drew einhorn wrote:
OSError: [Errno 36] File name too long:
Error deleting /var/www/cobbler/profiles/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-ubuntu-casper-i386
I can probably figure out how to clean out /var/lib/cobbler using a
text editor, and I'm pretty sure I can find a few more places that
need to be cleaned out. But I'm not sure I can find them all.
vi /var/lib/cobbler/distros and /var/lib/cobbler/profiles, then cd into
/var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror and possibly remove the ubuntu-googolplex and
that'll be it.
When editing the distros file, be sure to edit just the records for
those distros/profiles in question.
Also a good reason to keep a backup of /var/lib/cobbler around just in
case you ever need it...
I'm considering writing some sort of simple backup/restore facility into
a future version of cobbler since it's really just a few
directories/files we care about.
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