I've checked in a first-pass at what will be the new Cobbler
"Read/Write" XMLRPC API, which is important of the development of the
Web UI and
letting other 3rd party apps interface with Cobbler. Prior to this, it
was possible to query cobbler remotely, but it was not possible to
change anything.
This will be available at http(s)://server.example.org/cobbler_api_rw
and disabled by default.
(Yes -- if you've not heard, someone is developing a Cobbler Web UI --
major thanks go out to Al Tobey -- ... we'll have it checked in to git
shortly so more folks can look at it, build it as part of the RPM, and
help out --- it's all Python and uses Cheetah templates, just like Cobbler)
There is some documentation on the new API here:
Once the Web UI is checked in and packaged, I'll send out another email
about how to start playing with it (at least in a display-only sort of
mode as the other
features get added).
It will probably get included in some form in the next release and
upgraded in subsequent releases.
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