Fedora EPEL 9 updates-testing report

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The following Fedora EPEL 9 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2023-6398dade97   yt-dlp-2023.07.06-1.el9

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 9 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 gnome-shell-extension-screen-autorotate-12-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-a465347929)
 Dynamic Screen rotation for GNOME Shell
Update Information:

New release. See [changelog](https://github.com/shyzus/gnome-shell-extension-

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Luya Tshimbalanga <luya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 12-1
- Update to version 12 (rhbz#2221881)

 ocserv-1.2.0-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c53c86d44f)
 OpenConnect SSL VPN server
Update Information:

Updated to 1.2.0

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos <n.mavrogiannopoulos@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.2.0-1
- Updated to 1.2.0
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos <n.mavrogiannopoulos@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.1.7-3
- use %autorelease and %autochangelog

 python-debtcollector-2.5.0-4.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c1ecf58b9c)
 A collection of Python deprecation patterns and strategies
Update Information:

Latest build for EPEL 9

* Fri Jan 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.0-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.0-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jun 16 2022 Python Maint <python-maint@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.5.0-2
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
* Thu May 19 2022 Joel Capitao <jcapitao@xxxxxxxxxx> 2.5.0-1
- Update to upstream version 2.5.0
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-7
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Jul 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-6
- Second attempt - Rebuilt for
* Fri Jun  4 2021 Python Maint <python-maint@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-5
- Rebuilt for Python 3.10
* Wed Feb 10 2021 Charalampos Stratakis <cstratak@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-4
- Remove redundant python-funcsigs dependency
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #2209736 - Please branch and build python-debtcollector in epel9

 python-hacking-4.0.0-8.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c2c5856908)
 OpenStack Hacking Guideline Enforcement
Update Information:

Latest build for EPEL 9

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Joel Capitao <jcapitao@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-8
- Remove unused testrepository BR
* Fri Jan 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-7
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-6
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jun 16 2022 Python Maint <python-maint@xxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-5
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.0.0-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #2210303 - Please branch and build python-hacking in epel9

 python-os-service-types-1.7.0-13.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-66e447b74d)
 Python library for consuming OpenStack sevice-types-authority data
Update Information:

Latest build for EPEL 9

* Thu Jun 15 2023 Python Maint <python-maint@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.0-13
- Rebuilt for Python 3.12
* Fri Jan 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.0-12
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.0-11
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jun 16 2022 Python Maint <python-maint@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.0-10
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.0-9
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.7.0-8
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #2210291 - Please branch and build python-os-service-types in epel9

 python-oslo-i18n-6.0.0-3.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-702e58a526)
 OpenStack i18n library
Update Information:

Latest build for EPEL 9

* Thu Jun 15 2023 Python Maint <python-maint@xxxxxxxxxx> - 6.0.0-3
- Rebuilt for Python 3.12
* Wed Apr 19 2023 Karolina Kula <kkula@xxxxxxxxxx> 6.0.0-2
- Update to upstream version 6.0.0
* Thu Apr 13 2023 Alfredo Moralejo <amoralej@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.1.0-5
- Fixed compatibility with sphinx >= 6.0
* Fri Jan 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.1.0-4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.1.0-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jun 16 2022 Python Maint <python-maint@xxxxxxxxxx> - 5.1.0-2
- Rebuilt for Python 3.11
* Wed May 18 2022 Joel Capitao <jcapitao@xxxxxxxxxx> 5.1.0-1
- Update to upstream version 5.1.0
* Fri Jan 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.0.1-6
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.0.1-5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #2210025 - Please branch and build python-oslo-i18n in epel9

 python-ujson-5.8.0-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-f8e4e26621)
 Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder written in pure C
Update Information:

## python-ujson 5.8.0  **Added**  - Upstream now supports Python 3.12
**Changed**  - Dropped support for Python 3.7  **Fixed**  - Include BSD-3-Clause
and TCL license text

* Sun Jul  2 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.8.0-1
- Update to 5.8.0 (close RHBZ#2214034)
* Fri Mar 10 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 5.7.0-2
- Apply upstream PR#565 to add license texts to LICENSE.txt

  [ 1 ] Bug #2214034 - python-ujson-5.8.0 is available

 pythoncapi-compat-0^20230710git1911dd4-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-ef74180956)
 Python C API compatibility
Update Information:

Update to 0^20230710git1911dd4

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley <code@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 0^20230710git1911dd4-1
- Update to 0^20230710git1911dd4

 rust-async-trait-0.1.71-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Type erasure for async trait methods
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.71-1
- Update to version 0.1.71; Fixes RHBZ#2219230

 rust-basic-toml-0.1.3-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Minimal TOML library with few dependencies
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.3-1
- Update to version 0.1.3; Fixes RHBZ#2219689

 rust-crossbeam-epoch-0.9.15-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-6fba57d047)
 Epoch-based garbage collection
Update Information:

Update to version 0.9.15.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.9.15-1
- Update to version 0.9.15; Fixes RHBZ#2214340

 rust-erased-serde-0.3.27-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Type-erased Serialize and Serializer traits
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.3.27-1
- Update to version 0.3.27; Fixes RHBZ#2219189

 rust-ghost-0.1.13-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Define your own PhantomData
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.13-1
- Update to version 0.1.13; Fixes RHBZ#2219226

 rust-itoa-1.0.8-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Fast integer primitive to string conversion
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.8-1
- Update to version 1.0.8; Fixes RHBZ#2219227

 rust-no-panic-0.1.25-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Attribute macro to require that the compiler prove a function can't ever panic
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.25-1
- Update to version 0.1.25; Fixes RHBZ#2219472

 rust-rustix-0.37.23-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-36cf9a102b)
 Safe Rust bindings to POSIX/Unix/Linux/Winsock2-like syscalls
Update Information:

Update to version 0.37.23.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.37.23-1
- Update to version 0.37.23

 rust-serde_bytes-0.11.11-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Optimized handling of &[u8] and Vec<u8> for Serde
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.11.11-1
- Update to version 0.11.11; Fixes RHBZ#2219464

 rust-serde_ignored-0.1.8-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Find out about keys that are ignored when deserializing data
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.8-1
- Update to version 0.1.8; Fixes RHBZ#2219868

 rust-serde_json-1.0.100-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 JSON serialization file format
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.100-1
- Update to version 1.0.100; Fixes RHBZ#2217125
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.99-1
- Update to version 1.0.99

 rust-serde_repr-0.1.14-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Derive Serialize and Deserialize for C-like enums
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.14-1
- Update to version 0.1.14; Fixes RHBZ#2219484

 rust-serde_stacker-0.1.9-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Serde adapter that avoids stack overflow by dynamically growing the stack
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.1.9-1
- Update to version 0.1.9; Fixes RHBZ#2219869

 rust-thiserror-1.0.43-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.43-1
- Update to version 1.0.43; Fixes RHBZ#2219691

 rust-thiserror-impl-1.0.43-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Implementation detail of the thiserror crate
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.43-1
- Update to version 1.0.43; Fixes RHBZ#2219692

 rust-trybuild-1.0.81-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Test harness for ui tests of compiler diagnostics
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 1.0.81-1
- Update to version 1.0.81; Fixes RHBZ#2219684

 rust-typetag-0.2.9-3.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Serde serializable and deserializable trait objects
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.9-3
- Remove accidentally committed file
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.9-2
- Temporarily disable tests (missing dependencies)
* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.9-1
- Update to version 0.2.9; Fixes RHBZ#2219883

 rust-typetag-impl-0.2.9-1.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-c8cd886e93)
 Implementation detail of the typetag crate
Update Information:

- Update the async-trait crate to version 0.1.71. - Update the basic-toml crate
to version 0.1.3. - Update the erased-serde crate to version 0.3.27. - Update
the ghost crate to version 0.1.13. - Update the no-panic crate to version
0.1.25. - Update the serde_bytes crate to version 0.11.11. - Update the
serde_ignored crate to version 0.1.8. - Update the serde_json crate to version
1.0.100. - Update the serde_repr crate to version 0.1.14. - Update the
serde_stacker crate to version 0.1.9. - Update the thiserror and thiserror-impl
crates to version 1.0.43. - Update the trybuild crate to version 1.0.81. -
Update the typetag and typetag-impl crates to version 0.2.9.

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Fabio Valentini <decathorpe@xxxxxxxxx> - 0.2.9-1
- Update to version 0.2.9; Fixes RHBZ#2219884

 ser2net-4.3.13-2.el9 (FEDORA-EPEL-2023-afb8ba2c9b)
 Proxy that allows TCP/UDP to serial port connections
Update Information:

Now uses upstream systemd unit. Other than that just internal code changes and

* Tue Jul 11 2023 Felix Kaechele <felix@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Add pam-devel BuildRequires for EL9
* Mon Jul 10 2023 Felix Kaechele <felix@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.3.13-1
- Update to 4.3.13
- use upstream systemd unit file
* Sun Jul  2 2023 Felix Kaechele <felix@xxxxxxxxxxx> - 4.3.12-1
- update to 4.3.12
- use forge macros
- use rpmautospec for changelogs
- drop SysV init conversion scriptlets
- update systemd unit
- drop unneeded patches
- format spec file
* Sat Jan 21 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.5-13
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat Jul 23 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.5-12
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat Jan 22 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.5-11
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jul 23 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 3.5-10
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild

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