Outstanding package requests for EPEL-8

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So this came up in the last EPEL meeting:
bugzilla query -s NEW -t 'epel8'  --outputformat "%{id}: %{component}:
%{summary}" | sort | less

Most of these are package requests but some are other types.

1739162: libxml++: libxml++ for EPEL8
1739163: libffado: libffado for EPEL8
1741523: mod_auth_cas: mod_auth_cas for EPEL8
1741654: dash: RFE: dash for EPEL8
1744341: jq: RFE: jq for EPEL8
1744343: nagios-plugins-openmanage: RFE: nagios-plugins-openmanage for EPEL8
1744699: perl-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of
1744700: perl-Authen-Passphrase: [RFE] EPEL8 branch perl-Authen-Passphrase
1744704: perl-Authen-Simple-Passwd: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of
1744705: perl-Authen-Passphrase: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of perl-Authen-Simple
1744712: perl-IO-Handle-Util: [RFE] EPEL8 branch for perl-IO-Handle-Util
1744782: perl-Crypt-SSLeay: (RFE) EPEL8 branch of perl-Crypt-SSLeay
1744785: perl-Proc-Daemon: (RFE) EPEL8 branch of perl-Proc-Daemon
1745727: apcupsd: [RFE] apcupsd: epel8 build request
1749146: lxqt-session: Build LXQt in EPEL8
1749780: genders: please build for epel8
1750404: php-phpmailer6: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of php-phpmailer6
1753203: weechat: Can you please make a package in EPEL8 with new
Weechat version?
1753397: scons: Build for EPEL8
1753401: perl-Class-Accessor-Lite: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of
1754155: quazip: Create EPEL8 branc
1755034: python-passlib: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of python-passlib
1755264: dnf-plugins-extras: Please release the snapper plug-in for epel8 also.
1755345: python-mysql: Request to build python3-mysql for EPEL8
1755761: clementine: [RFE] : clementine : epel8 build request
1755789: pidgin-otr: [RFE] : pidgin-otr epel8 build request
1755791: powerline: [RFE] : powerline : epel8 build request
1755793: autossh: [RFE] : autossh epel8 build request
1755809: cross-binutils: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of cross-binutils
1755816: simple-scan: [RFE] : simple-scan : epel8 build request
1755945: bats: [RFE] bats: epel8 build request
1755960: liblastfm: Please provide EPEL8 package
1755963: libmygpo-qt: Please provide EPEL8 package
1755964: libprojectM: Please provide EPEL8 package
1755965: qca: Please provide EPEL8 package
1755966: udisks: Please provide EPEL8 package
1755968: sha2: Please provide EPEL8 package
1755975: phonon: Please provide EPEL8 package
1756036: perl-XML-TreePP: [RFE] perl-XML-TreePP build for epel8
1756170: libcec: [RFE] libcec build for epel8
1756171: perl-Net-UPnP: [RFE] perl-Net-UPnP build for epel8
1756941: kid3: [RFE] : kid3 : epel8 build request
1756942: pylast: [RFE] : pylast : epel8 build request
1756976: gtk-murrine-engine: [RFE] : gtk-murrine-engine : epel8 build request
1757000: xmlstarlet: xmlstarlet missing in EPEL8
1757002: docbook2X: docbook-utils-pdf missing in RHEL8/CentOS-8: need
it in EPEL8
1757009: perl-Qt: perl-Qt 4.14.3 missing for EPEL8
1757016: ntfsprogs: ntfsprogs is missing for EPEL8
1757645: python-urlgrabber: [RFE] python3-urlgrabber build for epel8
1757682: thunderbird-enigmail: [RFE] : thunderbird-enigmail : epel8
build request
1757868: uboot-tools: Package uboot-tools is not available in EPEL8
1758005: xlockmore: build xlockmore for epel8
1758271: ipython: Branch request: python3-ipython for epel8
1758311: nova-agent: build nova-agent for epel8
1758329: python-requests-cache: [RFE] python-requests-cache for epel8
1758340: python-oauth: [RFE] python-oauth build for epel8
1758778: fmt: fmt not packaged for epel8
1758779: xalan-c: xalan-c not packaged for epel8
1758780: spdlog: spdlog not packaged for epel8
1758822: python-funcsigs: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of python-funcsigs
1759107: python-celery: Branch request: python-celery for epel8
1759108: python-markdown2: Branch request: python-markdown2 for epel8
1759109: python-aiohttp: Branch request: python-aiohttp for epel8
1759112: python-requests-mock: Branch request: python-requests-mock for epel8
1759114: python-cached_property: Branch request:
python-cached_property for epel8
1759116: python-xmlsec: Branch request: python-xmlsec for epel8
1759121: python-zeep: Branch request: python-zeep for epel8
1759124: python-XStatic-Patternfly: Branch request:
python-XStatic-Patternfly for epel8
1759129: nodejs-typeahead.js: Branch request: nodejs-typeahead.js for epel8
1759130: python-flask-openid: Branch request: python-flask-openid for epel8
1759132: python-flask-wtf: Branch request: python-flask-wtf for epel8
1759133: python-flask-sqlalchemy: Branch request:
python-flask-sqlalchemy for epel8
1759136: nodejs-moment: Branch request: nodejs-moment for epel8
1759459: phpMyAdmin: Please build phpMyAdmin for EPEL8
1759571: python-setproctitle: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of python3-setproctitle
1759572: python-tinycss: [RFE] Can python-tinycss be branched for EPEL8
1759573: python-pam: [RFE] Can python-pam be branched for EPEL8
1759581: libcryptui: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of libcryptui
1759587: mathjax: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of mathjax
1759732: python-pycryptodomex: python-pycryptodomex: build for EPEL8
1759826: xl2tpd: Branch request: xl2tpd for EPEL8
1760078: xiphos: (RFE) Please branch xiphos and deps for EPEL8
1760079: kicad: (RFE) Please branch kicad and deps for EPEL8
1761034: nodejs-ronn: Request to build nodejs-ronn for EPEL8
1761099: python-aioresponses: python-aioresponses epel8 branch
1761100: python-watchdog: python-watchdog epel8
1761103: python-asynctest: python-asynctest epel8 branch
1761215: python-lesscpy: python-lesscpy: Please push it to epel8
1761396: ocserv: Please package ocserv for EPEL8
1761454: libnetfilter_log: libnetfilter_log missing from EPEL8
1761605: python-boto3: [RFE] python-boto3 build for epel8
1761656: python-migrate: [RFE] python-migrate build for epel8
1761657: python-treq: [RFE] python-treq build for epel8
1761681: mongodb: mongodb-server package missing from EPEL8
1761983: perl-Redis: Requesting perl-Redis for EPEL8
1762009: python-croniter: python-croniter: Please provide EPEL8 package
1762158: tinyfugue: Requesting tinyfugue for EPEL8
1762233: perl-Parallel-ForkManager: [RFE] Please build for EPEL8
1762480: desktop-backgrounds: Please build desktop-backgrounds in normal EPEL8
1762483: advancecomp: Please build advancecomp in normal EPEL8
1762501: libaccounts-glib: Please build libaccounts-glib in normal EPEL8
1762502: gpsd: Please build gpsd in normal EPEL8
1762511: optipng: Please build optipng in normal EPEL8
1762512: libqalculate: Please build libqalculate in normal EPEL8
1762515: libfakekey: Please build libfakekey in normal EPEL8
1762523: scim: Please build scim in normal EPEL8
1762551: xorg-x11-drv-synaptics: Please build xorg-x11-drv-synaptics
in normal EPEL8
1762553: xapian-core: Please build xapian-core in normal EPEL8
1762555: switchdesk: Please build switchdesk in normal EPEL8
1762590: gkrellm: gkrellm which needs libntlm is available under
epel7, would be nice to have under epel8
1762693: etckeeper: etckeeper breaks ansible in EPEL8
1762696: roundcubemail: Request to build roundcubemail for EPEL8
1762948: python-pickleshare: Branch request: python3-pickleshare for epel8
1762956: python-colorama: python3-colorama: build for epel8
1763083: ganglia: ganglia packages missing in EPEL8
1763246: argparse-manpage: argparse-manpage for EPEL8
1763313: perl-utf8-all: perfl-utf8-all not available in EPEL8
1763456: openbios: Please branch and build for EPEL8
1763458: SLOF: Please branch and build for EPEL8
1763537: fcode-utils: Please branch and build for EPEL8
1763540: cross-gcc: Please branch and build for EPEL8
1763545: uriparser: Please branch and build for EPEL8
1763546: libkml: Please branch and build for EPEL8
1763547: cross-binutils: Please branch and build for EPEL8
1763633: perl-YAML-Syck: EPEL8 builds
1763637: perl-Term-Shell: EPEL8 builds
1763667: perl-Pod-Coverage-Moose: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of perl-Pod-Coverage-Moose
1763720: lua-socket: lua-socket packages for EPEL8
1763723: lua-filesystem: lua-filesystem packages for EPEL8
1763768: rubygem-sass: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of rubygem-sass
1764033: wmctrl: wmctrl needed for epel8
1764034: hddtemp: hddtemp needed for epel8
1764048: libpsl: libpsl packages for EPEL8
1764085: lollypop: missing pygobject-3.0 >= 3.29.1 for lollypop-1.2.0
EPEL8 built
1764108: python3-gobject3: request: python3-gobject >= 3.29.1 for
lollypop-1.2.0 epel8 package
1764618: python-libsass: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of python-libsass
1764619: libsass: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of libsass
1764622: sassc: [RFE] EPEL8 branch of sassc

Stephen J Smoogen.
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