Re: [master 5/6] iutil: execWithCallback() and execWithPulseProgress() return an object.

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On 05/20/2010 10:58 PM, Brian C. Lane wrote:
I would probably just use a dict for something like this. To me classes
are for data structures and the methods that act on them, not just an
easy container for data -- that's what dicts are for. But that is likely
a personal preference :)

I am going to use objects, simply because accessing object.parameter 
looks (to me) more aesthetic than object["parameter"]. Plus I know 
returning an object here will always be sufficient whatever we decide to 
do with it in the future. The only thing a dictionary could offer over 
an object is that it's easier to iterate over its keys/values or test 
for their presence. But in this case we know all the 'keys' in advance.

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