On 03/10/2010 07:34 AM, Li Ming wrote:
Hi Liam,
I am writing an auto-install python script for fedora install test.I do
this in KVM, create a guest,when boot to grub,I pass the
args(console=ttyS0, console=tty0 ks=http:/server/to/ks.cfg) to kernel
via dogtail, by this way, I can get some output from ttyS0 on host(use
my script to read from guest serial port on host),but this output
information is not enough.During install, I can send key
Ctrl+Alt+F3(virt-viewer can send key), the information in /dev/tty3 is
what I want to get(I can read this data to auto-control the test),as you
know, it also locates in /tmp/anaconda.log, but how I can get this data?
can I pass some args to kernel to direct the output of /dev/tty3 to
serial port like ttyS0?
That would be a question for kernel people.
or what other options I can do? I also tried
console=ttyS0 console=tty3,it did not work.I have to do this in
non-network environment.
Now that makes it a limiting requirement, otherwise you could use remote
logging that I have described here:
In the future we plan to use VirtioSerial to transfer logs from virtual
machines when no network is available. Perhaps you could use it in your
scripts already now:
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