Re: [PATCH 1/2] Don't remove an inconsistent lvm partition from the devicetree (#496638)

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On 04/23/2009 08:59 PM, David Lehman wrote:
On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 20:52 +0200, Hans de Goede wrote:

This whole thing seems so ineffective to me. I don't understand why we
remove devices from the device tree for this. If we find a broken VG, we
should simply remove the VG and and LV devices from the device tree,
blacklist the VG's name, and carry on. No prompting, no special
handling. If it's broken, ignore it. Same for mdraid.

Repeating my last argument:

Well, if we just plain ignore it, then it won't show in the stripe, nor
in the list, and the user might get mightely confused that he has a 100 gig
disk with 75 gigs of partitions on it and he cannot create anymore due to
lack of space.

This is why making it immutable seems the sensible thing to do, then the
user will understand what is going on.



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