Re: [PATCHES] Fix indentation

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David Cantrell wrote:
Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
Hi there,

here's a couple of patches that fix tab usage vs. the use of spaces in some of the scripts that I needed to edit for the next patch.

Applied the patches to mk-images.efi and buildinstall, but the others failed. I suppose I waited too long to apply them. Can you update the two I missed and I'll get those in too?

Here you go, thanks ;-)

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen
>From 8cceb8a2292445cad24b5103cabbd436cb623220 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeroen van Meeuwen (Fedora Unity) <kanarip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 13:27:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix indentation in upd-instroot


 scripts/upd-instroot |  227 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/upd-instroot b/scripts/upd-instroot
index 033d965..92e94c5 100755
--- a/scripts/upd-instroot
+++ b/scripts/upd-instroot
@@ -24,54 +24,47 @@ ARCH=`uname -m`
 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
     case $1 in
-	--debug)
-	    DEBUG="--debug"
-	    shift
-	    ;;
-	--arch)
-	    ARCH=$2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--imgdir)
-	    DEST=$2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	# a filesystem tree to use as updates.  could be the output
-	# of 'make install' from anaconda...
-	--updates)
-	    UPDATES=$2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--nogr)
-	    echo "*** DeprecationWarning: ignoring --nogr option." >&2
-	    shift
-	    ;;
-	--mindir)
-	    echo "*** DeprecationWarning: ignoring --mindir option." >&2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--stg2dir)
-	    echo "*** DeprecationWarning: please use --imgdir instead of --stg2dir." >&2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	*)
-	    yumconf=$1
-	    shift
-	    ;;
+        --debug)
+            DEBUG="--debug"
+            shift
+        ;;
+        --arch)
+            ARCH=$2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --imgdir)
+            DEST=$2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        # a filesystem tree to use as updates.  could be the output
+        # of 'make install' from anaconda...
+        --updates)
+            UPDATES=$2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --nogr)
+            echo "*** DeprecationWarning: ignoring --nogr option." >&2
+            shift
+        ;;
+        --mindir)
+            echo "*** DeprecationWarning: ignoring --mindir option." >&2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --stg2dir)
+            echo "*** DeprecationWarning: please use --imgdir instead of --stg2dir." >&2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        *)
+            yumconf=$1
+            shift
+        ;;
 if [ -z "$yumconf" ]; then
-	echo "upd-instroot: updates instimage from a Red Hat RPMS directory"
-	echo "usage:        $0 [--debug] [--arch arch] [--imgdir imgdir] [yumconf]"
-	exit 1
+    echo "upd-instroot: updates instimage from a Red Hat RPMS directory"
+    echo "usage:        $0 [--debug] [--arch arch] [--imgdir imgdir] [yumconf]"
+    exit 1
 if [ $ARCH = x86_64 -o $ARCH = s390x -o $ARCH = ppc64 ]; then
@@ -99,45 +92,46 @@ expandPackageSet() {
     [ -d $PKGDEST ] || die "ERROR: directory missing: $PKGDEST"
-    if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then outlvl="--quiet" ; else outlvl="--verbose"; fi
+    [ -z "$DEBUG" ] && outlvl="--quiet" || outlvl="--verbose"
     yum $outlvl -c $YUMCONF -y --installroot=$YUMDIR install $RPMS 2>&1 || die "ERROR: could not install packages"
     if [ -n "$UPDATES" ]; then
-	(cd $UPDATES; find) | (cd $UPDATES ; /bin/cpio --quiet -pmdu $YUMDIR)
+        (cd $UPDATES; find) | (cd $UPDATES ; /bin/cpio --quiet -pmdu $YUMDIR)
     # figure out the theme to keep
     if [ -f $YUMDIR/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc ]; then
-	gtktheme=$(grep "gtk-theme-name" $YUMDIR/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc | awk {'print $3;'} | sed -e 's/"//g')
-	echo "usr/share/themes/$gtktheme" >> $KEEPFILES
-	# find gtk engine needed
-	for engine in `grep engine $YUMDIR/usr/share/themes/$gtktheme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc | awk {'print $2;'} | sed -e 's/"//g' | sort -u` ; do
-	    echo "usr/$LIBDIR/gtk-2.0/*/engines/*$engine*" >> $KEEPFILES
-	done
-	theme=$(grep "gtk-icon-theme-name" $YUMDIR/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc | awk {'print $3;'} | sed -e 's/"//g')
-	while [ -n "$theme" ]; do 
-	    echo "usr/share/icons/$theme" >> $KEEPFILES
-	    theme=$(grep Inherits $YUMDIR/usr/share/icons/$theme/index.theme | cut -d = -f 2)
-	done
+        gtktheme=$(grep "gtk-theme-name" $YUMDIR/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc | awk {'print $3;'} | sed -e 's/"//g')
+        echo "usr/share/themes/$gtktheme" >> $KEEPFILES
+        # find gtk engine needed
+        for engine in `grep engine $YUMDIR/usr/share/themes/$gtktheme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc | awk {'print $2;'} | sed -e 's/"//g' | sort -u` ; do
+            echo "usr/$LIBDIR/gtk-2.0/*/engines/*$engine*" >> $KEEPFILES
+        done
+        theme=$(grep "gtk-icon-theme-name" $YUMDIR/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc | awk {'print $3;'} | sed -e 's/"//g')
+        while [ -n "$theme" ]; do
+            echo "usr/share/icons/$theme" >> $KEEPFILES
+            theme=$(grep Inherits $YUMDIR/usr/share/icons/$theme/index.theme | cut -d = -f 2)
+        done
     echo `date` "Installing files"
     pushd $YUMDIR >/dev/null
     cat $KEEPFILES | while read spec ; do
-      #Pull off path
-      path=`echo "$spec" | sed 's,\([^[*\?]*\)/.*,\1,'`
-      for filespec in `find ./$path -path "./$spec" 2> /dev/null` ; do
-	if [ ! -e $filespec ]; then
-	    continue
-	elif [ ! -d $filespec ]; then
-	    instFile $filespec $PKGDEST
-	else
-	    for i in `find $filespec -type f 2> /dev/null` ; do instFile $i $PKGDEST ; done
-	    for i in `find $filespec -type l 2> /dev/null` ; do instFile $i $PKGDEST ; done
-	    for d in `find $filespec -type d 2> /dev/null` ; do instDir $d $PKGDEST ; done
-	fi
-      done
+        #Pull off path
+        path=`echo "$spec" | sed 's,\([^[*\?]*\)/.*,\1,'`
+        for filespec in `find ./$path -path "./$spec" 2> /dev/null` ; do
+            if [ ! -e $filespec ]; then
+                continue
+            elif [ ! -d $filespec ]; then
+                instFile $filespec $PKGDEST
+            else
+                for i in `find $filespec -type f 2> /dev/null` ; do instFile $i $PKGDEST ; done
+                for i in `find $filespec -type l 2> /dev/null` ; do instFile $i $PKGDEST ; done
+                for d in `find $filespec -type d 2> /dev/null` ; do instDir $d $PKGDEST ; done
+            fi
+        done
     popd >/dev/null
@@ -149,45 +143,42 @@ die () {
 PACKAGES="GConf2 NetworkManager ORBit2 PolicyKit VLGothic-fonts acl anaconda
-	anaconda-yum-plugins at-spi atk attr audit-libs bash bitmap-fonts-cjk
-	booty btrfs-progs busybox-anaconda bzip2 bzip2-libs cairo cjkunifonts-uming
-	comps-extras coreutils cpio cracklib cracklib-dicts cracklib-python
-	cryptsetup-luks db4 dbus dbus-python dejavu-sans-fonts
-	dejavu-sans-mono-fonts device-mapper
-	device-mapper-libs dhclient dhcpv6-client dmapi dmraid dmraid-libs
-	dogtail dosfstools e2fsprogs e2fsprogs-libs echo-icon-theme
-	elfutils-libelf expat firstboot fontconfig fonts-ISO8859-2 freetype gail
-	gdk-pixbuf gfs2-utils glib2 glibc-common gnome-python2-canvas gnome-python2-gconf
-	gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 gnome-themes gpm gtk2 gtk2-engines gtkhtml2 hal
-	hdparm hwdata initscripts iproute iputils iscsi-initiator-utils
-	jfsutils keyutils-libs krb5-libs libICE libSM libX11 libXau
-	libXaw libXcursor libXdmcp libXevie libXext libXfixes libXfont libXft
-	libXi libXinerama libXmu libXpm libXrandr libXrender libXt libXtst
-	libXxf86misc libacl libart_lgpl libattr libbdevid libbdevid-python
-	libbonobo libfontenc libgcc
-	libglade2 libgnomecanvas libgcrypt libgpg-error libjpeg liblbxutil libnl
-	libpixman libpng libselinux libselinux-python libsemanage
-	libsemanage-python libsepol libstdc++ libtermcap libthai libuser
-	libuser-python libvolume_id libxcb libxkbfile libxml2 lohit-fonts-bengali
-	lohit-fonts-gujarati lohit-fonts-hindi lohit-fonts-kannada lohit-fonts-maithili
-	lohit-fonts-oriya lohit-fonts-punjabi lohit-fonts-tamil lohit-fonts-telugu
-	lvm2 madan-fonts mdadm
-	mesa-dri-drivers mkinitrd module-init-tools nash ncurses neon net-tools
-	newt newt-python nfs-utils nspr nss ntfs-3g pam pango parted pciutils pcre
-	policy policycoreutils popt prelink procps pycairo pygobject2 pygtk2
-	pygtk2-libglade pykickstart pyparted pyspi python python-bugzilla
-	python-elementtree python-libs python-pyblock python-sqlite
-	python-urlgrabber pyxf86config raidtools readline redhat-artwork
-	reiserfs-utils rhpl rpm rpm-libs rpm-python sed selinux-policy-targeted
-	setup slang smc-fonts-meera specspo sqlite synaptics system-config-date
-	system-config-keyboard system-logos system-release taipeifonts tcp_wrappers
-	tzdata udev un-core-fonts-dotum urw-fonts util-linux-ng tightvnc-server
-	tightvnc-server-module
-	wpa_supplicant xkeyboard-config xfsdump xfsprogs xorg-x11 xorg-x11-auth
-	xorg-x11-base xorg-x11-drivers xorg-x11-font-utils xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic
-	xorg-x11-fonts-misc xorg-x11-libs xorg-x11-libs-data xorg-x11-server-utils
-	xorg-x11-server-Xorg xorg-x11-xkb-utils xorg-x11-xkbdata xorg-x11-xfs yum
-	yum-fedorakmod yum-metadata-parser zenity zlib /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
+    anaconda-yum-plugins at-spi atk attr audit-libs bash bitmap-fonts-cjk
+    booty busybox-anaconda bzip2 bzip2-libs cairo cjkunifonts-uming
+    comps-extras coreutils cpio cracklib cracklib-dicts cracklib-python
+    cryptsetup-luks db4 dbus dbus-python dejavu-fonts device-mapper
+    device-mapper-libs dhclient dhcpv6-client dmapi dmraid dmraid-libs
+    dogtail dosfstools e2fsprogs e2fsprogs-libs echo-icon-theme
+    elfutils-libelf expat firstboot fontconfig fonts-ISO8859-2 freetype gail
+    gdk-pixbuf gfs2-utils glib2 glibc-common gnome-python2-canvas gnome-python2-gconf
+    gnome-python2-gtkhtml2 gnome-themes gpm gtk2 gtk2-engines gtkhtml2 hal
+    hdparm hwdata initscripts iproute iputils iscsi-initiator-utils
+    jfsutils keyutils-libs krb5-libs libICE libSM libX11 libXau
+    libXaw libXcursor libXdmcp libXevie libXext libXfixes libXfont libXft
+    libXi libXinerama libXmu libXpm libXrandr libXrender libXt libXtst
+    libXxf86misc libacl libart_lgpl libattr libbdevid libbdevid-python
+    libbonobo libfontenc libgcc
+    libglade2 libgnomecanvas libgcrypt libgpg-error libjpeg liblbxutil libnl
+    libpixman libpng libselinux libselinux-python libsemanage
+    libsemanage-python libsepol libstdc++ libtermcap libthai libuser
+    libuser-python libvolume_id libxcb libxkbfile libxml2 lohit-fonts-bengali
+    lohit-fonts-gujarati lohit-fonts-hindi lohit-fonts-kannada lohit-fonts-oriya
+    lohit-fonts-punjabi lohit-fonts-tamil lohit-fonts-telugu lvm2 mdadm
+    mesa-dri-drivers mkinitrd module-init-tools nash ncurses neon net-tools
+    newt newt-python nfs-utils nspr nss pam pango parted pciutils pcre
+    policy policycoreutils popt prelink procps pycairo pygobject2 pygtk2
+    pygtk2-libglade pykickstart pyparted pyspi python python-bugzilla
+    python-elementtree python-libs python-pyblock python-sqlite
+    python-urlgrabber pyxf86config raidtools readline redhat-artwork
+    reiserfs-utils rhpl rpm rpm-libs rpm-python sed selinux-policy-targeted
+    setup slang smc-fonts-meera specspo sqlite synaptics system-config-date
+    system-config-keyboard system-logos system-release taipeifonts tcp_wrappers
+    tzdata udev un-core-fonts-dotum urw-fonts util-linux-ng vnc-libs vnc-server
+    wpa_supplicant xkeyboard-config xfsdump xfsprogs xorg-x11 xorg-x11-auth
+    xorg-x11-base xorg-x11-drivers xorg-x11-font-utils xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic
+    xorg-x11-fonts-misc xorg-x11-libs xorg-x11-libs-data xorg-x11-server-utils
+    xorg-x11-server-Xorg xorg-x11-xkb-utils xorg-x11-xkbdata xorg-x11-xfs yum
+    yum-fedorakmod yum-metadata-parser zenity zlib /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
 if [ $ARCH = i386 ]; then
     PACKAGES="$PACKAGES glibc.i386 openssl.i386"
@@ -211,7 +202,7 @@ fi
 if [ $ARCH = s390 -o $ARCH = s390x ]; then
     PACKAGES="$PACKAGES s390utils binutils libgcc tcp_wrappers
               sed net-tools openssh openssh-server coreutils
-              login initscripts bash portmap pam 
+              login initscripts bash portmap pam
               login mount grep modutils gawk
               strace xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-libs"
@@ -695,7 +686,7 @@ EOF
 # KEEPFILERESCUE is all files to keep from the packages in PACKAGESRESCUE
 # This defines the files in addition to KEEPFILE that make up
-# the install images for NFS and CD/DVD based rescue mode installs.  This 
+# the install images for NFS and CD/DVD based rescue mode installs.  This
 # image is not loaded into memory so it can be considerably larger.
 # NOTE: hd, ftp, and http rescue mode use and image based on KEEPFILE since
@@ -857,12 +848,12 @@ cat $DEST/usr/lib/anaconda/lang-table* | awk '
   print $2;
 ' | sed -e 's/latn/Latn/g' | LC_ALL=C sort -u > $DEST/locales
-for p in lib share; do (
-cd $DEST/usr/$p/locale && {
-ls | grep -v locale.alias | grep -v locale-archive | LC_ALL=C sort > $DEST/locales.list
-LC_ALL=C comm -13 $DEST/locales $DEST/locales.list | xargs rm -rf
-); done
+for p in lib share; do
+    (cd $DEST/usr/$p/locale && {
+        ls | grep -v locale.alias | grep -v locale-archive | LC_ALL=C sort > $DEST/locales.list
+        LC_ALL=C comm -13 $DEST/locales $DEST/locales.list | xargs rm -rf
+    })
 rm -f $DEST/locales $DEST/locales.list
 # fixup joe links

>From 1c575d67a2f87c199499ffeb60d8164ba19d1d60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeroen van Meeuwen (Fedora Unity) <kanarip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 13:25:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix the indentation in mk-images


 scripts/mk-images |  578 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/mk-images b/scripts/mk-images
index 6ab52ce..d242365 100755
--- a/scripts/mk-images
+++ b/scripts/mk-images
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ IMAGEUUID=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).$(uname -i)
 usage () {
-	echo "usage: mk-images <pkgsrc> <toplevel> <template> <imgdir> <buildarch> <productname> <version> [<productpath>]"
+    echo "usage: mk-images <pkgsrc> <toplevel> <template> <imgdir> <buildarch> <productname> <version> [<productpath>]"
     exit 0
@@ -35,65 +35,54 @@ BOOTISO="boot.iso"
 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
     case $1 in
-	--debug)
-	    DEBUG="--debug"
-	    shift
-	    ;;
-	--noiso)
-	    BOOTISO=""
-	    shift
-	    ;;
-	--arch)
-	    BUILDARCH=$2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--imgdir)
-	    IMGPATH=$2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--product)
-	    PRODUCT=$2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--version)
-	    VERSION=$2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--bugurl)
-	    BUGURL=$2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--output)
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--nogr)
-	    echo "*** DeprecationWarning: ignoring --nogr option." >&2
-	    shift
-	    ;;
-	--mindir)
-	    echo "*** DeprecationWarning: ignoring --mindir option." >&2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	--stg2dir)
-	    echo "*** DeprecationWarning: please use --imgdir instead of --stg2dir." >&2
-	    shift; shift
-	    ;;
-	*)
-	    yumconf=$1
-	    shift
-	    ;;
+        --debug)
+            DEBUG="--debug"
+            shift
+        ;;
+        --noiso)
+            BOOTISO=""
+            shift
+        ;;
+        --arch)
+            BUILDARCH=$2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --imgdir)
+            IMGPATH=$2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --product)
+            PRODUCT=$2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --version)
+            VERSION=$2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --bugurl)
+            BUGURL=$2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --output)
+            TOPDESTPATH=$2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --nogr)
+            echo "*** DeprecationWarning: ignoring --nogr option." >&2
+            shift
+        ;;
+        --mindir)
+            echo "*** DeprecationWarning: ignoring --mindir option." >&2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        --stg2dir)
+            echo "*** DeprecationWarning: please use --imgdir instead of --stg2dir." >&2
+            shift; shift
+        ;;
+        *)
+            yumconf=$1
+            shift
+        ;;
 . $(dirname $0)/buildinstall.functions
 # Set, verify, and create paths
-    FULLMODPATH=$TMPDIR/instimagemods.$$
-    KERNELBASE=$TMPDIR/updboot.kernel.$$
-    KERNELNAME=vmlinuz
-    if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "ia64" ]; then
-	KERNELDIR="/boot/efi/EFI/redhat"
-    else
-	KERNELDIR="/boot"
-    fi
-    if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "sparc64" ]; then
-	BASEARCH=sparc
-    else
-    fi
+if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "ia64" ]; then
+    KERNELDIR="/boot/efi/EFI/redhat"
+    KERNELDIR="/boot"
-    # explicit block size setting for some arches (FIXME: we compose 
-    # ppc64-ish trees as ppc, so we have to set the "wrong" block size)
-    if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "sparc64" ]; then
-	CRAMBS="--blocksize 8192"
-    elif [ "$BUILDARCH" = "sparc" ]; then
-	CRAMBS="--blocksize 4096"
-    else
-    fi
+if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "sparc64" ]; then
+    BASEARCH=sparc
-    if [ $BUILDARCH = x86_64 -o $BUILDARCH = s390x ]; then
-	LIBDIR=lib64
-    else
-	LIBDIR=lib
-    fi
+# explicit block size setting for some arches (FIXME: we compose
+# ppc64-ish trees as ppc, so we have to set the "wrong" block size)
+if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "sparc64" ]; then
+    CRAMBS="--blocksize 8192"
+elif [ "$BUILDARCH" = "sparc" ]; then
+    CRAMBS="--blocksize 4096"
+    CRAMBS=""
-    rm -rf $IMAGEPATH
-    rm -rf $FULLMODPATH
-    rm -rf $KERNELBASE
-    mkdir -p $IMAGEPATH
-    mkdir -p $FULLMODPATH
-    mkdir -p $KERNELBASE
-    mkdir -p $INSTIMGPATH
+if [ $BUILDARCH = x86_64 -o $BUILDARCH = s390x ]; then
+    LIBDIR=lib64
+    LIBDIR=lib
+rm -rf $IMAGEPATH
+mkdir -p $IMAGEPATH
+mkdir -p $FULLMODPATH
+mkdir -p $KERNELBASE
+mkdir -p $INSTIMGPATH
 # Stuff that we need
-    TRIMPCIIDS=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/trimpciids
-    GETKEYMAPS=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/getkeymaps
-    GENINITRDSZ=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/geninitrdsz
-    MKS390CDBOOT=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/mk-s390-cdboot
-    GENMODINFO=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/genmodinfo
-    SCREENFONT=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/screenfont-${BASEARCH}.gz
-    MODLIST=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/modlist
-    LOADERBINDIR=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/loader
-    BOOTDISKDIR=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot
-    LANGTABLE=$IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda/lang-table
-    PCIIDS=$IMGPATH/usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids
-    XDRIVERS=$IMGPATH/usr/share/hwdata/videoaliases
-    XDRIVERDESCS=$IMGPATH/usr/share/hwdata/videodrivers
-    dieLater=
-    for n in $REQUIREMENTS; do
-	if [ ! -f $n ]; then
-	    echo "$n doesn't exist"
-	    dieLater=1
-	fi
-    done
+for n in $REQUIREMENTS; do
+    if [ ! -f $n ]; then
+        echo "$n doesn't exist"
+        dieLater=1
+    fi
-    for n in $BOOTDISKDIR; do
-	if [ ! -d $n ]; then
-	    echo "$n doesn't exist"
-	    dieLater=1
-	fi
-    done
+for n in $BOOTDISKDIR; do
+    if [ ! -d $n ]; then
+        echo "$n doesn't exist"
+        dieLater=1
+    fi
-    if [ -n "$dieLater" ]; then exit 1; fi
+if [ -n "$dieLater" ]; then exit 1; fi
-    if [ "$BUILDARCH" != "s390" -a "$BUILDARCH" != "s390x" ]; then
-       # go ahead and create the keymaps so we only have to do it once
-       if [ -f $IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/keymaps-override-$BUILDARCH ]; then
-	   echo "Found keymap override, using it"
-	   cp $IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/keymaps-override-$BUILDARCH $KEYMAPS
-       else
-	   if [ $? != 0 ]; then
-	       echo "Unable to create keymaps and thus can't create initrd."
-	       exit 1
-	   fi
-       fi
+if [ "$BUILDARCH" != "s390" -a "$BUILDARCH" != "s390x" ]; then
+    # go ahead and create the keymaps so we only have to do it once
+    if [ -f $IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/keymaps-override-$BUILDARCH ]; then
+        echo "Found keymap override, using it"
+        cp $IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/keymaps-override-$BUILDARCH $KEYMAPS
+    else
+        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+            echo "Unable to create keymaps and thus can't create initrd."
+            exit 1
+        fi
 findPackage() {
     pkg=$(repoquery --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}" -c $yumconf --archlist=$KERNELARCH $name.$KERNELARCH)
     if [ -n "$pkg" ]; then
-	echo $pkg
-	return
+        echo $pkg
+        return
     echo "cannot find package $name" >&2
@@ -257,7 +246,7 @@ resdeps () {
 expandModuleSet() {
     for name in $1; do
-	char=$(echo $name | cut -c1)
+        char=$(echo $name | cut -c1)
         if [ $char = '=' ]; then
 	    NAME=$(echo $name | cut -c2-)
 	    if [ "$NAME" = "ata" ]; then
@@ -271,10 +260,10 @@ expandModuleSet() {
                 if [ -e $KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version/modules.$NAME ]; then
 		    SET="$SET $(sed -e 's/.ko//' $KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version/modules.$NAME)"
-	    fi
-	else
-	    SET="$SET $name"
-	fi
+            fi
+        else
+            SET="$SET $name"
+        fi
     echo $SET
@@ -315,35 +304,37 @@ makemoduletree() {
         case $module in
                 cp $KERNELROOT/lib/firmware/ipw2100* $MBD_DIR/firmware
-                ;;
+            ;;
                 cp $KERNELROOT/lib/firmware/ipw2200* $MBD_DIR/firmware
-                ;;
+            ;;
                 cp $KERNELROOT/lib/firmware/iwlwifi-3945* $MBD_DIR/firmware
-                ;;
                 cp $KERNELROOT/lib/firmware/atmel_*.bin $MBD_DIR/firmware
-                ;;
+            ;;
                 cp -r $KERNELROOT/lib/firmware/zd1211 $MBD_DIR/firmware
-                ;;
+            ;;
+            qla2xxx)
+                cp $KERNELROOT/lib/firmware/ql* $MBD_DIR/firmware
+            ;;
     # clean up leftover cruft
     find -H $MMB_DIR/lib/modules -type d -exec rmdir -f {} \; 2>/dev/null
     $MODLIST --modinfo-file $MODINFO --ignore-missing --modinfo \
-	$MMB_MODULESET > $MMB_DIR/lib/modules/module-info
+    $MMB_MODULESET > $MMB_DIR/lib/modules/module-info
     # compress modules
     find -H $MMB_DIR/lib/modules -type f -name *.ko -exec gzip -9 {} \;
     rundepmod $MMB_DIR
     rm -f $MMB_DIR/lib/modules/*/modules.*map
     rm -f $MMB_DIR/lib/modules/*/{build,source}
     # create the pci.ids, from modules.alias and the X driver aliases
     awk '!/^(\t\t|#)/ { print ;if ($0 == "ffff  Illegal Vendor ID") nextfile; }' < $PCIIDS | \
-      $TRIMPCIIDS $MMB_DIR/lib/modules/*/modules.alias $XDRIVERS/* > ../pci.ids
+        $TRIMPCIIDS $MMB_DIR/lib/modules/*/modules.alias $XDRIVERS/* > ../pci.ids
@@ -355,7 +346,7 @@ makeproductfile() {
     echo $PRODUCT >> $root/.buildstamp
     echo $VERSION >> $root/.buildstamp
     if [ -n "$BUGURL" ]; then
-	echo $BUGURL >> $root/.buildstamp
+        echo $BUGURL >> $root/.buildstamp
@@ -369,6 +360,7 @@ instbin() {
     get_dso_deps $ROOT "$BIN"
     local DEPS="$DSO_DEPS"
     mkdir -p $DIR/$LIBDIR
     for x in $DEPS ; do
         cp -Lfp $ROOT/$x $DIR/$LIBDIR
@@ -396,9 +388,9 @@ setupShellEnvironment() {
     # PAM configuration
     for i in; do
-       cp -f $IMGPATH/$LIBDIR/security/$i $MBD_DIR/$LIBDIR/security
+        cp -f $IMGPATH/$LIBDIR/security/$i $MBD_DIR/$LIBDIR/security
     cp -f $IMGPATH/etc/pam.d/other $MBD_DIR/etc/pam.d
     cat > $MBD_DIR/etc/pam.d/login << EOF
@@ -435,7 +427,6 @@ EOF
         chmod 600 ssh_host_key ssh_host_rsa_key ssh_host_dsa_key; \
         chmod 644; )
     cat > $MBD_DIR/etc/ssh/sshd_config <<EOF
 Port 22
 HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
@@ -461,21 +452,21 @@ EOF
     instbin $IMGPATH /usr/bin/login $MBD_DIR /sbin/login
     instbin $IMGPATH /usr/sbin/sshd $MBD_DIR /sbin/sshd
     instbin $IMGPATH /usr/bin/busybox $MBD_DIR /sbin/busybox
     # make some symlinks
     (cd $MBD_DIR/sbin;
-    	set $(./busybox 2>&1| awk '/^\t([[:alnum:]_\.\[]+,)+/' | sed 's/,//g' | sed 's/ +//');
-    	while [ -n "$1" ]; do
-    	      if [ $1 != "busybox" -a $1 != "sh" ]; then
-              	 # if file doesnt already exist, link to busybox
-		   if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
-	    	      ln -sf ./busybox $1
-		   else
-		      [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Overriding busybox version of $1"
-		   fi
-    	      fi
-    	      shift
-	 done )
+        set $(./busybox 2>&1| awk '/^\t([[:alnum:]_\.\[]+,)+/' | sed 's/,//g' | sed 's/ +//');
+        while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+              if [ $1 != "busybox" -a $1 != "sh" ]; then
+                # if file doesnt already exist, link to busybox
+                if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+                    ln -sf ./busybox $1
+                else
+                    [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Overriding busybox version of $1"
+                fi
+            fi
+            shift
+        done )
@@ -489,40 +480,40 @@ makeinitrd() {
     while [ x$(echo $1 | cut -c1-2) = x"--" ]; do
-	if [ $1 = "--initrdto" ]; then
-	    shift; shift
-	    continue
-	elif [ $1 = "--keep" ]; then
-	    KEEP=yes
-	    shift
-	    continue
-	elif [ $1 = "--initrdsize" ]; then
-	    shift; shift
-	    continue
-	elif [ $1 = "--loaderbin" ]; then
-	    LOADERBIN=$2
-	    shift; shift
-	    continue
-	elif [ $1 = "--modules" ]; then
-	    shift; shift
-	    continue
-	fi
-	echo "Unknown option passed to makeinitrd"
-	exit 1
+        if [ $1 = "--initrdto" ]; then
+            EXTRAINITRDPATH=$2
+            shift; shift
+            continue
+        elif [ $1 = "--keep" ]; then
+            KEEP=yes
+            shift
+            continue
+        elif [ $1 = "--initrdsize" ]; then
+            INITRDSIZE=$2
+            shift; shift
+            continue
+        elif [ $1 = "--loaderbin" ]; then
+            LOADERBIN=$2
+            shift; shift
+            continue
+        elif [ $1 = "--modules" ]; then
+            INITRDMODULES=$2
+            shift; shift
+            continue
+        fi
+        echo "Unknown option passed to makeinitrd"
+        exit 1
     if [ -z "$LOADERBIN" ]; then
-	echo "no loader binary specified!" >&2
-	exit 1
+        echo "no loader binary specified!" >&2
+        exit 1
     if [ -z "$INITRDMODULES" ]; then
-	echo "warning: no loader modules specified!" >&2
+        echo "warning: no loader modules specified!" >&2
     if [ -z "$INITRDSIZE" ]; then
-	echo "I don't know how big to make the initrd image!" >&2
-	exit 1
+        echo "I don't know how big to make the initrd image!" >&2
+        exit 1
@@ -568,17 +559,17 @@ makeinitrd() {
     mkdir -p $MBD_DIR/var/run/wpa_supplicant
     if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "s390" -o "$BUILDARCH" = "s390x" ]; then
-	mkdir -m 111 -p $MBD_DIR/var/empty/sshd
-	mkdir -p $MBD_DIR/etc/{pam.d,security}
-	mkdir -p $MBD_DIR/$LIBDIR/security
-	ln -s /tmp $MBD_DIR/var/state/xkb
-	cp $IMGPATH/usr/bin/xauth $MBD_DIR/sbin/xauth
+        mkdir -m 111 -p $MBD_DIR/var/empty/sshd
+        mkdir -p $MBD_DIR/etc/{pam.d,security}
+        mkdir -p $MBD_DIR/$LIBDIR/security
+        ln -s /tmp $MBD_DIR/var/state/xkb
+        cp $IMGPATH/usr/bin/xauth $MBD_DIR/sbin/xauth
         cp $IMGPATH/usr/sbin/cmsfs* $MBD_DIR/sbin/
     if [ -n "$INITRDMODULES" ]; then
-	MODSET=`expandModuleSet "$INITRDMODULES"`
+        MODSET=`expandModuleSet "$INITRDMODULES"`
         makemoduletree $MBD_DIR "$MODSET"
@@ -589,19 +580,20 @@ makeinitrd() {
     if [ "$BUILDARCH" != "s390" -a "$BUILDARCH" != "s390x" ]; then
         instbin $IMGPATH ${LOADERBINDIR##$IMGPATH}/init $MBD_DIR /sbin/init
-	ln -s ./init $MBD_DIR/sbin/reboot
-	ln -s ./init $MBD_DIR/sbin/halt
-	ln -s ./init $MBD_DIR/sbin/poweroff
+        ln -s ./init $MBD_DIR/sbin/reboot
+        ln -s ./init $MBD_DIR/sbin/halt
+        ln -s ./init $MBD_DIR/sbin/poweroff
-	instbin $IMGPATH ${LOADERBINDIR##IMGPATH}/shutdown $MBD_DIR /sbin/shutdown
-	instbin $IMGPATH /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/loader/linuxrc.s390 $MBD_DIR /sbin/init
-	instbin $IMGPATH /usr/sbin/dasdfmt $MBD_DIR /sbin/dasdfmt
+        instbin $IMGPATH ${LOADERBINDIR##IMGPATH}/shutdown $MBD_DIR /sbin/shutdown
+        instbin $IMGPATH /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/loader/linuxrc.s390 $MBD_DIR /sbin/init
+        instbin $IMGPATH /usr/sbin/dasdfmt $MBD_DIR /sbin/dasdfmt
     if [ "$BUILDARCH" != "s390" -a "$BUILDARCH" != "s390x" ]; then
        install -m 644 $KEYMAPS $MBD_DIR/etc/keymaps.gz
        install -m 644 $SCREENFONT $MBD_DIR/etc/screenfont.gz
     install -m 644 $MYLANGTABLE $MBD_DIR/etc/lang-table
     install -m 644 $IMGPATH/etc/passwd $MBD_DIR/etc/passwd
     install -m 644 $IMGPATH/etc/group $MBD_DIR/etc/group
@@ -733,14 +725,14 @@ makeinitrd() {
     install -m 644 $LOADERBINDIR/$MYLOADERTR $MBD_DIR/etc/
     for i in a/ansi d/dumb l/linux s/screen v/vt100 v/vt100-nav v/vt102 x/xterm x/xterm-color g/gnome ; do
-	[ -f $IMGPATH/usr/share/terminfo/$i ] && \
-	  install -m 644 $IMGPATH/usr/share/terminfo/$i $MBD_DIR/etc/terminfo/$i
+        [ -f $IMGPATH/usr/share/terminfo/$i ] && \
+        install -m 644 $IMGPATH/usr/share/terminfo/$i $MBD_DIR/etc/terminfo/$i
     makeproductfile $MBD_DIR
     for n in insmod rmmod modprobe; do
-	instbin $IMGPATH /usr/sbin/$n $MBD_DIR /sbin/$n
+        instbin $IMGPATH /usr/sbin/$n $MBD_DIR /sbin/$n
     ln -s /sbin/init $MBD_DIR/init
@@ -751,7 +743,7 @@ makeinitrd() {
     # s390/s390x need sshd setup
     if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "s390" -o "$BUILDARCH" = "s390x" ]; then
-	setupShellEnvironment
+        setupShellEnvironment
 cat > $MBD_DIR/.profile <<EOF
@@ -767,12 +759,12 @@ EOF
     echo "Wrote $MBD_FSIMAGE (${size}k compressed)"
     if [ -n "$EXTRAINITRDPATH" ]; then
-	mkdir -p `dirname $EXTRAINITRDPATH`
+        mkdir -p `dirname $EXTRAINITRDPATH`
     if [ -z "$KEEP" ]; then
+        rm -rf $MBD_FSIMAGE $MBD_BOOTTREE
@@ -788,7 +780,7 @@ makeinstimage () {
     (cd $IMGPATH; find . | cpio --quiet -p $tmp)
     makeproductfile $tmp
-    if [ -z "$type" -o "$type" = "cramfs" ]; then 
+    if [ -z "$type" -o "$type" = "cramfs" ]; then
         echo "Running mkcramfs $CRAMBS $tmp $INSTIMGPATH/${imagename}2.img"
         mkfs.cramfs $CRAMBS $tmp $TMPDIR/${imagename}2.img.$$
     elif [ "$type" = "squashfs" ]; then
@@ -810,29 +802,29 @@ makemainimage () {
     rm -rf $mmi_tmpimage $mmi_mntpoint
     mkdir $mmi_mntpoint
     if [ $type = "ext2" ]; then
         SIZE=$(du -sk $IMGPATH | awk '{ print int($1 * 1.1) }')
         if [ -d $IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime ]; then
-	    ERROR=$(du -sk $IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime | awk '{ print $1 }')
-	    SIZE=$(expr $SIZE - $ERROR)
+            ERROR=$(du -sk $IMGPATH/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime | awk '{ print $1 }')
+            SIZE=$(expr $SIZE - $ERROR)
         if [ -d $IMGPATH/usr/lib/syslinux ]; then
-	    ERROR=$(du -sk $IMGPATH/usr/lib/syslinux | awk '{ print $1 }')
-	    SIZE=$(expr $SIZE - $ERROR)
+            ERROR=$(du -sk $IMGPATH/usr/lib/syslinux | awk '{ print $1 }')
+            SIZE=$(expr $SIZE - $ERROR)
         dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count=${SIZE} of=$mmi_tmpimage 2>/dev/null
-        mke2fs -q -F $mmi_tmpimage > /dev/null 
+        mke2fs -q -F $mmi_tmpimage > /dev/null
         tune2fs -c0 -i0 $mmi_tmpimage >/dev/null
         mount -o loop $mmi_tmpimage $mmi_mntpoint
         (cd $IMGPATH; find . |
-	        fgrep -v "./usr/lib/anaconda-runtime" |
-	        fgrep -v "./usr/lib/syslinux"
-	        cpio -H crc -o) | (cd $mmi_mntpoint; cpio -iumd)
+            fgrep -v "./usr/lib/anaconda-runtime" |
+            fgrep -v "./usr/lib/syslinux"
+            cpio -H crc -o) | (cd $mmi_mntpoint; cpio -iumd)
         makeproductfile $mmi_mntpoint
         umount $mmi_mntpoint
         rmdir $mmi_mntpoint
@@ -848,14 +840,14 @@ makemainimage () {
         mkfs.cramfs $CRAMBS $IMGPATH $mmi_tmpimage
         SIZE=$(expr `cat $mmi_tmpimage | wc -c` / 1024)
     cp $mmi_tmpimage $INSTIMGPATH/${imagename}.img
     chmod 644 $INSTIMGPATH/${imagename}.img
     echo "Wrote $INSTIMGPATH/${imagename}.img (${SIZE}k)"
     echo "mainimage = ${relpath}/${imagename}.img" >> $TOPDESTPATH/.treeinfo
     rm $mmi_tmpimage
@@ -883,7 +875,7 @@ if [ ${BUILDARCH} = s390x ]; then
     source $TOPDIR/mk-images.s390
 elif [ ${BUILDARCH} = ppc64 ]; then
     # ... and similar for ppc64
-    source $TOPDIR/mk-images.ppc 
+    source $TOPDIR/mk-images.ppc
 elif [ ${BUILDARCH} = "x86_64" -o ${BUILDARCH} = "i386" ]; then
     source $TOPDIR/mk-images.x86
     source $TOPDIR/mk-images.efi
@@ -912,70 +904,74 @@ fi
 for KERNELARCH in $arches; do
-  for kernelvers in $kerneltags; do
-    kpackage=$(findPackage $kernelvers)
-    if [ "$KERNELARCH" = "i586" -a -z "$kpackage" ]; then
-	echo "No i586 kernel, trying i686..."
-	kpackage=$(findPackage $kernelvers)
-    fi
-    if [ -z "$kpackage" ]; then
-	echo "Unable to find kernel package $kernelvers"
-	continue
-    fi
+    for kernelvers in $kerneltags; do
+        kpackage=$(findPackage $kernelvers)
+        if [ "$KERNELARCH" = "i586" -a -z "$kpackage" ]; then
+            echo "No i586 kernel, trying i686..."
+            KERNELARCH="i686"
+            kpackage=$(findPackage $kernelvers)
+        fi
-    yumdownloader -c $yumconf --archlist=$KERNELARCH $kpackage
-    kpackage="$kpackage.rpm"
-    if [ ! -f "$kpackage" ]; then
-	echo "kernel ($kernelvers) doesn't exist for $KERNELARCH.  skipping"
-	continue
-    fi
+        if [ -z "$kpackage" ]; then
+            echo "Unable to find kernel package $kernelvers"
+            continue
+        fi
-    mkdir -p $KERNELROOT
+        yumdownloader -c $yumconf --archlist=$KERNELARCH $kpackage
+        kpackage="$kpackage.rpm"
+        if [ ! -f "$kpackage" ]; then
+            echo "kernel ($kernelvers) doesn't exist for $KERNELARCH.  skipping"
+            continue
+        fi
-    foundakernel="yes"
+        mkdir -p $KERNELROOT
-    if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "ia64" ]; then
-	vmlinuz=$(rpm --nodigest --nosignature -qpl $kpackage |grep ^/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/vmlinuz | head -n 1)
-	version=${vmlinuz##/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/vmlinuz-}
-    else
-	vmlinuz=$(rpm --nodigest --nosignature -qpl $kpackage |grep ^/boot/vmlinuz | head -n 1)
-	version=${vmlinuz##/boot/vmlinuz-}
-    fi
-    arch=$(rpm --nodigest --nosignature --qf '%{ARCH}\n' -qp $kpackage)
+        foundakernel="yes"
-    rpm2cpio $kpackage | (cd $KERNELROOT; cpio --quiet -iumd)
-    rm -f $kpackage
-    # expand out any available firmware too
-    for p in $(repoquery -c $yumconf '*firmware*') ; do yumdownloader -c $yumconf $p ; rpm2cpio *firmware*.rpm | (cd $KERNELROOT; cpio --quiet -iumd) ; rm -f *firmware*.rpm ; done
+        if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "ia64" ]; then
+            vmlinuz=$(rpm --nodigest --nosignature -qpl $kpackage |grep ^/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/vmlinuz | head -n 1)
+            version=${vmlinuz##/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/vmlinuz-}
+        else
+            vmlinuz=$(rpm --nodigest --nosignature -qpl $kpackage |grep ^/boot/vmlinuz | head -n 1)
+            version=${vmlinuz##/boot/vmlinuz-}
+        fi
+        arch=$(rpm --nodigest --nosignature --qf '%{ARCH}\n' -qp $kpackage)
+        rpm2cpio $kpackage | (cd $KERNELROOT; cpio --quiet -iumd)
+        rm -f $kpackage
+        # expand out any available firmware too
+        for p in $(repoquery -c $yumconf '*firmware*') ; do
+            yumdownloader -c $yumconf $p
+            rpm2cpio *firmware*.rpm | (cd $KERNELROOT; cpio --quiet -iumd)
+            rm -f *firmware*.rpm
+        done
-    if [ ! -d "$KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version" ]; then
-	echo "$KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version is not a valid modules directory" 2>&1
-	exit 1
-    fi
+        if [ ! -d "$KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version" ]; then
+            echo "$KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version is not a valid modules directory" 2>&1
+            exit 1
+        fi
-    if [ ! -f "$KERNELROOT/$KERNELDIR/${KERNELNAME}-$version" ]; then
-	echo "$KERNELROOT/$KERNELDIR/${KERNELNAME}-$version does not exist"
-	exit 1
-    fi
+        if [ ! -f "$KERNELROOT/$KERNELDIR/${KERNELNAME}-$version" ]; then
+            echo "$KERNELROOT/$KERNELDIR/${KERNELNAME}-$version does not exist"
+            exit 1
+        fi
-    allmods=$(find $KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version -name *.ko)
+        allmods=$(find $KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version -name *.ko)
-    rundepmod $KERNELROOT
-    $GENMODINFO $KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version > $MODINFO
+        rundepmod $KERNELROOT
+        $GENMODINFO $KERNELROOT/lib/modules/$version > $MODINFO
-    # make the boot images
-    makeBootImages
+        # make the boot images
+        makeBootImages
-    makeEfiImages $yumconf
-  done
+        makeEfiImages $yumconf
+    done
 if [ -n "$foundakernel" ]; then
-  makeSecondStage
-  rm -rf $KERNELBASE
+    makeSecondStage
+    rm -rf $KERNELBASE

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