To begin. Some thought on the whole kickstart rescue:
I think all this is relevant for testing only. As a user I cannot imagine of a use case were I would automate the rescue environment. First of all, going to the trouble of making a ks file and pointing the boot to the file just seems way too much work, specially having firstaidkit. Second, most of the time I don't really know whats wrong and I would like to go in an poke around. And even when I know exactly what is wrong, I feel more comfortable editing the files in the rescue mode, then telling anaconda what to do through a ks file. I think the sane way of doing a rescue mode is putting the user in shell, providing firstaidkit and letting the user interact with a very friendly, easy to use rescue app. kickstarting the rescue mode will just increase the possibility of the user shooting himself in the foot.
Testing is different. You would want to poke at the rescue environment automatically to see what wrong. For this reason, I think its a good idea.
... ok enough :)
Alexander Todorov wrote:
Hash: SHA512
Good morning folks,
the requested feature will be useful for automation. I'm targeting
rescue mode
test automation but it can be used for automating common tasks in rescue
mode if
one is administering pool of machines. The minimal ks.cfg file is:
- ---
lang en_US
keyboard us
network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --onboot yes
#url --url http://path/to/stage2.img
%post --nochroot
mkdir -p /mnt/sysimage
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/sysimage
echo "system is mounted" >> /mnt/sysimage/root/rescue.log
cat /etc/fedora-release >> /root/rescue.log
uname -a >> /root/rescue.log
%post --nochroot
echo "system will be unmounted" >> /mnt/sysimage/root/rescue.log
umount /mnt/sysimage
Everything before %post is currently parsed and understood by the loader.
Currently kickstart is supported only when booting in rescue mode with the
"nomount" option because the changes are smaller and easier to review.
It might be easier but it does ignore an important part of the rescue mode, finding the installed system. This is an important part of rescue mode and can also be testable. And if you want to do any kind of automation must be considered (IMO).
are coming shortly. Please review them.
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Red Hat / Brno, Czech Republic
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