Christopher Boumenot wrote:
I am attempting to reuse the partitions on our setup. I have six partitions over two disks. The server is configured like this.
sda1,sdb1 -> raid1 mirror, mounted on /
sda2,sdb2 -> raid1 mirror, mounted as swap
sda3 -> LVM
sdb3 -> LVM
I want to preserve the layout of the disks, and the data on sda3, and sdb3. I don't care about the data on sda1, sdb1, sda2, and sdb2, and I want to reinstall on sda1, sdb1, sda2, and sdb2 given the current layout. I fed Anaconda the following disk configuration hoping to achieve the above.
clearpart --none
partition raid.01 --asprimary --ondisk sda --size 10000 --onpart sda1
partition raid.02 --asprimary --ondisk sdb --size 10000 --onpart sdb1
raid / --level 1 --fsoptions="barrier=1" --device md0 raid.01 raid.02
partition raid.11 --size 512 --ondisk sda --onpart sda2
partition raid.12 --size 512 --ondisk sdb --onpart sdb2
raid swap --level 1 --device md1 raid.11 raid.12
You may want to try with the --useexisting option in the partitioning
commands. Check kickstart documentation for it.
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