Hello everyone,
I've been trying to run Anaconda "live" on an existing Fedora F7 system
(/dev/sda) for
the purpose of installing F8 from /dev/scd0 (DVD) onto ANOTHER hard
drive (/dev/sdb).
After doing "yum install anaconda", I am able to fire up
/usr/sbin/anaconda from inside X11
on the F7 system, and it works fine up to a point where anaconda cannot
find the installation
dvd. The dvd is available at /dev/scd0 and also mounted at /mnt/cdrom0
for good measure.
I tried various --method=cdrom, --method=hd:/mnt/cdrom0 , exportfs the
then -method=nfs:/mnt/cdrom0, and so on. In each case anaconda complains
that it does
not find an installation medium. This occurs late in the flow, after I'm
done setting up
partitions (I think right at the point where package selection is about
to start.)
1. Is there any hope I'll be able to do what I want, i.e. install from
live system?
2. if yes, how do I get anaconda to use /dev/scd0 and find the
installation data?
I realize people may think doing such a live install is strange, but I'm
having unrelated
trouble with installing from a booted dvd, and would like to do a "live
install" to ease
debugging of what is going on. I also think it might be a useful method
in general when
upgrading a system, so please bear with me.
Thanks for any suggestions you might collectively have.
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