Hi, have you ever notice, that we write ia32e-redhat-linux when installing from x86_64 media on Intel processor? Is that really the right behaviour? I'm asking because of the "upgrade distro architecture" situation, when somebody uses x86_64 media with "Welcome to Fedora for x86_64" and then I present him with "You're about to upgrade from i686 to ia32e" kind of dialog, he is surely going to be confused. So the question is: Where exactly comes the architecture from /etc/rpm/platform in the game and why are we using the platform string from uname and not from the /.buildinfo from the instalation tree? I can of course use whatever feels more right for the dialog (so the /.buildinfo one to be consistent) and write the 'uname' arch to the file, but I'm not sure if it really should be done that way. -- Martin Sivak msivak@xxxxxxxxxx Red Hat Czech s.r.o. http://cz.redhat.com Purkynova 99/71, 612 45 Brno, Czech Republic Registered in Brno under #CZ27690016
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