Hi all,
i am pretty new to anaconda and am suggesting some option to anaconda for Network install and Boot up for iSCSI Enabled NIC's. Please suggest me some better ideas if you feel any if this is not a feasible solution.
While installing the RHEL 5 to the remote disk, there is a small application "iscsiadm" which would get all the data about the iSCSI Initiator and iSCSI Target scanning the some part of the Memory(in fact there is a small library which does this work). The Memory it scans for is called iBFT(iSCSI Boot Firmware Table). The iBFT is created when we have the iSCSI capable NIC is plugged into the system else there won't be any iBFT. i have posted some patches which would scan this region regardless of NIC is plugged in or not.
After having some discussion, the outcome was scanning this memory location when there is no iBFT will be a potential case for Crashing the system.
I am suggesting to have a global flag called iSCSI while installing(like other flags "askmethod", "updates"), so when installing the user should tell the Anaconda explicitly to get the values from iBFT.
I don't know the time duration required for adding such a flag. It would be great if people comment on this.
Thanks in Advance.