Some of my kickstart scripts did tricks like this:
%post --nochroot
# Set Up Applications for install
mkdir /mnt/sysimage/tmp/local
cp /tmp/isomedia/ks/jdk*.rpm /mnt/sysimage/tmp/local
cp /tmp/isomedia/ks/livna*.rpm /mnt/sysimage/tmp/local
cp /tmp/isomedia/ks/codecs.tgz /mnt/sysimage/tmp
cp /tmp/isomedia/ks/fix_host /mnt/sysimage/tmp
cd /
tar xzf /tmp/codecs.tgz
I used the nochroot to copy stuff from my custom DVD image to the hard
drive where I could later mess with it during normal post.
These now fail in F7, anaconda
It appears that /tmp/isomedia is no longer mounted at %post --nochroot.
Another oddity that I have observed, is this:
During install hit <F2> and verify the presence of
However, a custom package that adds a user, and is installed as part of
the OS load, fails to find /usr/sbin/useradd.
This used to work.
Thanks for looking at this!