Re: [patch] Several patches to process Dogtail testcases in Anaconda

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Jeremy Katz wrote:
On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 13:34 +0200, Alexander Todorov wrote:
What's in the tar.gz:

FYI -- in the future, it's a little easier to review if patches are
attached directly rather than inside of archives where you have to open
more apps to read through them.  Comments are also a lot easier then.

Thanks. Minor changes follow.

* anaconda.process_and_launch_dogtail_script.diff
The biggest patch of all. This adds a --dogtail option to the command
line options for anaconda. Checks all possible conditions specifying a
dogtail script: kickstart, boot cmd line, anaconda cmd line option.
Downloads the script, fork and execute it before

The boot command line should just lead to the option being passed on the
anaconda command line from the loader.  See loader2/loader.c's handling
of the various args like resolution, xdriver, etc.

So there is no need to check both? Only one of them is ok, right?
Do I have to patch loader.c to parse dogtail=url and pass it to anaconda script? I suppose I will have to.

It's also far more
normal to set the value of anaconda.dogtail to None instead of "" for


We'll also eventually need to have the filename not be
hard-coded as that opens things up to race conditions, especially as
anaconda starts being run on "live" systems in cases like the live CD

Done, now uses tempfile.mkstemp to store the tescase in /tmp/ramfs/

Removed checking for dogtail. Always loads accessibility.

What's the reasoning for always loading?  Loading when needed instead is
a lot nicer as it helps to reduce the memory footprint in cases where
it's not needed.

in /usr/bin/anaconda
line 863: anaconda.setInstallInterface(opts.display_mode)
Imports and gtk if graphical install is selected.

line 926: instClass.setInstallData(anaconda)
Parses kickstart data and sets instClass.ksdata.dogtail.

I was not sure how to modify anaconda to parse ks before loading gui without breaking something. That's why accessibility is loaded by default.

In only boot cmd line is checked. If dogtail command is added in kickstart it is not checked.

What is the prefered way to solve this issue? Should I parse kickstart file and check only for dogtail command just before `import gui' or leave it like that? Or should I make more modifications and have ks parsed only once before `import gui'?

Added code that writes the dogtail option to the /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
after install is complete.

"" vs None again


* scripts.upd-instroot.dogtail_files.diff
Added code to extract the missing files into stage2.img.
Works fine, already sent to anaconda-devel-list.

Why are the gconf bits needed here?  At least in the past, loading the
modules was good enough to get things initialized and that was all that
the gconf key affected.  ie, what's changed?

In dogtail/
import gconf
gconfClient = gconf.client_get_default()
a11yGConfKey = '/desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility'

def isA11yEnabled():
    Checks if accessibility is enabled via gconf.
    return gconfClient.get_bool(a11yGConfKey)
This requires and gconfd-2 otherwise fails. is required to parse XML config file.
.gconf directory and %gconf.xml are config files.

It may be easier to have a patch against dogtail that returns always true for isA11yEnabled() and does not use GConf

* pykickstart.parser.add_dogtail_command.diff

Looks okay at a glance.

Now incorporated in scripts.upd-instroot.dogtail_files.diff.
Is it better this way or leave pykickstart patches separated from anaconda patches?

Please review these patches.

Overall, looking good... I do want to hold off on applying them until
after we branch anaconda for F7 at this point just to avoid breaking
things in the final freeze.  But that shouldn't be a big deal.


Thanks for review and comments.

--- anaconda.orig	2007-04-18 17:04:00.000000000 +0200
+++ anaconda	2007-04-30 16:45:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@
     op.add_option("--module", action="append", default=[])
     op.add_option("--nomount", dest="rescue_nomount", action="store_true", default=False)
     op.add_option("--updates", dest="updateSrc", action="store", type="string")
+    op.add_option("--dogtail", dest="dogtail",   action="store", type="string")
     return op.parse_args()
@@ -481,6 +482,7 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.intf = None
         self.dir = None
+        self.dogtail = None = None
         self.method = None
         self.methodstr = None
@@ -925,6 +927,44 @@
+    # we have parsed the kickstart data in the function above
+    # search for dogtail script in this priority: kickstart->anaconda options
+    if opts.ksfile and instClass.ksdata and instClass.ksdata.dogtail:
+	anaconda.dogtail = instClass.ksdata.dogtail
+    else:
+	if opts.dogtail:
+	    anaconda.dogtail = opts.dogtail
+    if anaconda.dogtail:
+    	try:
+    	    import urlgrabber
+    	    try:
+    	        fr = urlgrabber.urlopen(anaconda.dogtail)
+    	    except urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabError, e:
+		log.error("Could not retrieve %s error was\n%s" % (anaconda.dogtail, e))
+    	        fr = None
+    	    if fr:
+    	        from tempfile import mkstemp
+    	        (fw, testcase) = mkstemp(prefix='', dir='/tmp/ramfs')
+    	        os.write(fw,
+    	        fr.close()
+    	        os.close(fw)
+    	        # download completed now run the test                            
+    		if not os.fork():
+    		    # we are in the child
+    		    os.chmod(testcase, 0755)
+		    os.execv(testcase, [testcase])
+		    sys.exit(1)
+		else:
+		    # we are in the parent, sleep to give time for the testcase to initialize
+		    # todo: is this needed, how to avoid race conditions
+		    time.sleep(1)
+	except Exception, e:
+	    log.error("Exception %s while running Dogtail testcase" % e)
     # We need to copy the VNC-related kickstart stuff into the new ksdata
     if opts.ksfile is not None:
         instClass.ksdata.vnc = vncksdata
---	2007-04-19 14:29:34.000000000 +0200
+++	2007-04-30 16:46:22.000000000 +0200
@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@
     def setDisplayMode(self, display_mode):
 	self.displayMode = display_mode
+    def setDogtail(self, dogtail):
+	self.dogtail = dogtail
     # expects a Keyboard object
     def setKeyboard(self, keyboard):
         self.keyboard = keyboard
@@ -204,6 +207,9 @@
+	if self.dogtail:
+	    f.write("dogtail %s\n" % self.dogtail)
 	# figure out the install method and write out a line
 	if self.methodstr.startswith('ftp://') or self.methodstr.startswith('http://'):
@@ -283,6 +289,7 @@
 	self.floppyDevice = floppyDevice
 	self.fsset = fsset.FileSystemSet(anaconda)
         self.excludeDocs = 0
+        self.dogtail = anaconda.dogtail
         if flags.cmdline.has_key("excludedocs"):
             self.excludeDocs = 1
--- upd-instroot.orig	2007-04-30 16:49:19.000000000 +0200
+++ upd-instroot	2007-04-30 18:02:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
 # dogtail stuff...
-PACKAGESGR="$PACKAGESGR gail at-spi libbonobo ORBit2"
+PACKAGESGR="$PACKAGESGR gail at-spi libbonobo ORBit2 pyspi GConf2 dogtail libXevie libXtst gnome-python2-gconf"
 # modular xorg...
 XORGLIBS="libICE libSM libX11 libXcursor libXext libXfixes libXft libXi libxkbfile libXmu libXpm libXrandr libXrender libXt libXxf86misc libXaw liblbxutil libXfont libfontenc libXau libXdmcp libXfont libXinerama"
@@ -809,12 +809,20 @@
@@ -951,6 +959,64 @@
 echo "Expanding graphical packages..."
+# more dogtail stuff
+if [ -n "$NEEDGR" ]; then
+    echo "Creating customized GConf2 settings for root"
+    mkdir -p $DESTGR/.gconf/desktop/gnome/interface
+    touch $DESTGR/.gconf/desktop/%gconf.xml
+    touch $DESTGR/.gconf/desktop/gnome/%gconf.xml
+    cat > $DESTGR/.gconf/desktop/gnome/interface/%gconf.xml <<EOF
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+        <entry name="accessibility" mtime="1176200664" type="bool" value="true">
+        </entry>
+#todo: fix file permissions
+    # add dogtail <url> command to kickstart
+    echo "Patching pykickstart ..."
+    cd $DESTGR/usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages/pykickstart
+    patch -p0 > /dev/null <<EOF
+---	2007-04-18 16:26:35.000000000 +0200
++++	2007-04-18 16:26:51.000000000 +0200
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+         self.device = ""
+         self.deviceprobe = ""
+         self.displayMode = DISPLAY_MODE_GRAPHICAL
++        self.dogtail = None
+         self.driverdisk = ""
+         self.firewall = {"enabled": True, "ports": [], "trusts": []}
+         self.firstboot = FIRSTBOOT_SKIP
+    patch -p0 > /dev/null <<EOF
+---	2007-04-18 14:43:10.000000000 +0200
++++	2007-04-18 14:59:51.000000000 +0200
+@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@
+                      "cmdline"      : self.doDisplayMode,
+                      "device"       : self.doDevice,
+                      "deviceprobe"  : self.doDeviceProbe,
++                     "dogtail"      : self.doDogtail,
+                      "driverdisk"   : self.doDriverDisk,
+                      "firewall"     : self.doFirewall,
+                      "firstboot"    : self.doFirstboot,
+@@ -370,6 +371,12 @@
+         elif self.currentCmd == "text":
+             self.ksdata.displayMode = DISPLAY_MODE_TEXT
++    def doDogtail(self, args):
++        if len(args) > 1:
++            raise KickstartValueError, formatErrorMsg(self.lineno, msg=_("Command %s only takes one argument") % "dogtail")
++        self.ksdata.dogtail = args[0]
+     def doDriverDisk(self, args):
+         self.ksdata.driverdisk = string.join(args)
+    cd -
 echo "retrieving timezones"
 mkdir -p $TZDIR/usr/share/zoneinfo

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