>To: anaconda-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Custom RAID driver added to RHEL4 CD to allow installation with kickstart
>I am new to this.
>We are using a new Intel server S5000PAL that requires a RAID driver "megasr" not included with RHEL4. We use kickstart installation and >therefore cannot shuffle CDs during the installation process to add a driver disk.
>I am trying to modify the RHEL4 installation CD so that this driver is included on the CD.
>Can anyone point me to some documentation on how this can be accomplished? Is kickstart able to automatically load a driver from a directory >on the same CD?
>Should that not work, can some of the utilities that are part of the Anaconda package be used to create a new initrd.img and stage2.img file >that includes the required driver, so that these image files can be used to build a custom installation CD?
Maybe I am posting to the wrong list. If so I apologize - please tell me where else to go.
I made some marginal progress, but this still is a major problem for us.
I now have a CD (RHEL4u4 CD1 with a ks.cfg file in the root of the CD. I copied the content of the Intel driver disk for the megasr driver into the root of the CD.
I then started experimenting with different settings in the file isolinux.cfg, such as:
The kickstart file does not include any statements like dd or driverdisk (would that be needed?).
None of this yields the desired result of an automated install where the missing megasr driver is installed automatically. Looking on tty3 it seems the system installs the libata driver and then sees two SATA disks (sda and sdb) instead of the RAID 1 that is configured.
What I would like to do is have one CD that includes everything needed for a RHEL4 minimum installation including the Intel megasr driver required for the RAID controller of this Intel server.
I see another path creating a custom initrd.img and stage2.img file, but would like to avoid this if possible.
Please help