Re: Adding Georgian Support in Fedora/Anaconda

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Oh, god... finally i've got answers on all questions!
Thank you very very much!!!

All provided packages are COMPLETELY created by our member.
Also i'll try to include GPL fonts provided by other persons.
I can create noarch rpms if needed - no problem, i have created
fedora-based distro from scratch for georgian schools for ministry of
education, hard work you know...
Finally we have keymaps and that's it!


On 3/5/07, Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 22:17 +0400, George Machitidze wrote:
> On 3/5/07, Jeremy Katz <katzj@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 14:39 +0400, George Machitidze wrote:
> > > I want to add Georgian support in lang-table. My friend has created
> > > console font, but we dont know where to include it yet. We have about
> > > 15-20% of quality non-fuzzy translations that is enough for users and
> > > we want to continue with it.
> > >
> > > Please tell us how/where to add bitmap console font and how to get rw
> > > cvs access on anaconda module.
> >
> > For access for translations, see
> >
> > As for console fonts, the best thing to do is to get them into the
> > upstream kbd.  More important than console fonts, though, are fonts for
> > X.  Packages for those can be submitted through the normal Fedora
> > package process
> We have access on translations and we are translating sources, but can
> you show us path for other things please?
> 1. Howto bitmap font in upstream kbd (i cannot find it in redhat cvs)?

It's just packaged -- per the README in the kbd package:
  The home site of this package is

  Report problems with this package to Andries Brouwer <aeb@xxxxxx>.

You could file a bug for the Fedora version of kbd to include something,
but it's much better to also get it included upstream at the same time.

> 2. We have huge personal collection of X/ttf/otf/ps/bitmap fonts that
> me be useful, anyway we can create them asap (my friend is doing his
> best).

It's important to first ensure that they're not derived from any
non-free fonts.  Once that's done, set up a location where they can be
downloaded and you can start the process to add a new package (see  Alternately, you
can work with a project such as dejavu to add coverage for your locale
to their existing font.

> 3. what about lang-table, as i understand i must have cvs access to
> this package, where to get it?

Once there is font support in the distribution and translation of
anaconda is at around 90%, file a bug report asking for the language to
be added to lang-table.  Provide the locale name, console font, console
keymap, timezone and any graphical fonts needed to support the locale.

> 4. also there is one bitmap font in fedora called "fixed" that looks
> VERY ugly, we must replace it ASAP, where is it included?

It's from upstream X if it's the font I think you're talking about.


Anaconda-devel-list mailing list

Best Regards,
George Machitidze
Georgian Internet Alliance

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