James Olin Oden wrote:
I know where in loader to patch this, but what I don't know is how to detect from what device I booted. So my first question is how do I detect from which device I booted?
Unfortunately, this isn't something that you can get out of a BIOS. Have I mentioned how much the PC BIOS sucks? ;-)
An alternate strategy is to "scan" for the device. Such that if one specified cdrom, anaconda would look on each cdrom it found till it found a device. This could not be the default behavior, so I'm looking in this case for a reasonable way denote this. Would you guys prefer a --scanks/--scanForKS option to be used in conjuction with the ks=$dev:$path URL, or some way to specify within the URL, like ks=$dev(scan):$path?
A third approach would be to actually use something that's actually unique about the device and use that. In a lot of respects, I'd *far* rather that. Because then we're looking for something explicit instead of a roulette in the case where there's more than one device with a file named ks.cfg. Also, having such a syntax would be helpful in other cases as well.