Hi All, So presently today, as I understand things there is no way that I can see to simply tell anaconda to use the media I booted from to acquire the kickstart file. When you specify "cdrom" that means the first cdrom not the one I booted from (some systems you can boot from the bottom cdrom). In cases where I use a usb flash drive I have to specify the precise device name, which makes the syslinux config particular to a certain hardware and which port the USB drive was plugged into. This is posing problems for us when we try to distribute one CDROM that just does the right thing. I know where in loader to patch this, but what I don't know is how to detect from what device I booted. So my first question is how do I detect from which device I booted? An alternate strategy is to "scan" for the device. Such that if one specified cdrom, anaconda would look on each cdrom it found till it found a device. This could not be the default behavior, so I'm looking in this case for a reasonable way denote this. Would you guys prefer a --scanks/--scanForKS option to be used in conjuction with the ks=$dev:$path URL, or some way to specify within the URL, like ks=$dev(scan):$path? With the find it I on the media I booted from would you like its device tag to be something like "bootmedia:" or something else? Thanks...james