Hello, I'm trying to understand the installStep construction in dispatch.py and text/gui.py. There are a number of installSteps in dispatch.py that have a function. Am I correct to understand that a step either has a function defined in installSteps or a stepToClass definition (in text.py or gui.py)? Also it seems there is some common stepToClass code in both text.py and gui.py. For instance: gui.py: "language" : ("language_gui", "LanguageWindow"), text.py: "language" : ("language_text", "LanguageWindow"), But there seem to be a lot more gui files (in iw/) then text files (in textw/). Is there some documentation on this? (or should it be 'self documenting'?) Also the 'betaNagScreen' seems to be common (using anaconda.intf.messageWindow) for both text and ui. As far as I (initially) can tell, this is the only common (ui-wise) step. Is there a specific reason for this? Best regards, Jeroen Janssen